Pills familiar to adults are practically not used in the treatment of children. Kids can neither chew nor swallow them, which is why the form of syrups, powders, solutions from which suspensions are prepared is more characteristic for medicines intended for children.

Basic Rules
No self-medication! Especially in relation to the child. Only a doctor can prescribe medications for children. Also, drugs for adults are prohibited: do not even think about making an effective medicine for crumbs by reducing the dosage.
Be sure to read the instructions, do not mix medicines the way it seems right to you. At best, there will be no effect; at worst, you will cause irreparable harm to the child. Each preparation in the kit has a measuring spoon, you do not need to replace them with those available in the kitchen cupboard.
We give the syrup correctly
Sometimes even the fruity flavors of the syrups do not help give the child the medicine without any problem. Feeling unwell makes the baby mischievous, and he refuses to drink the syrup. In this case, you need to put the baby on your knee, turning it sideways. With the help of the second knee, its legs must be fixed. Hug the child, while trying to hold his arms so that he does not knock out the spoon. If the baby does not want to open his mouth in any way, you need to gently press the crumbs on the chin with your finger, pulling the lower jaw down and gently give him the medicine. If this does not help, then you will have to pinch the nose so that the baby instinctively opens his mouth to sigh. Of course, from the outside it looks like some kind of torture, but what to do? Health is more important, but just do not forget that all actions should be not only accurate, but also gentle. Sometimes you have to resort to using a syringe (without a needle!).
Preparing the suspension
You need to act again according to the instructions, adhering to the recommended water temperature for preparing the suspension, how to add it correctly - in one or two approaches. You even need to shake the bottle as indicated by the manufacturer of the medicine. As a rule, it is impossible to store the suspension for a long time, but in the case when it is designed for more than one dose, be sure to shake the bottle before use.
To wash it down or not?
If the agent can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, you can drink it with milk. In all other cases, only boiled water is used.