How To Feed If A Child Refuses To Eat

How To Feed If A Child Refuses To Eat
How To Feed If A Child Refuses To Eat

When dad eats in front of the computer, mom snacks on the go while talking on Skype, it is difficult to expect that your little one will consider food to be something important. The first rule proposes to show by example that food is important and tasty. The second rule - there is no place for tantrums while eating. And my mother's and the child's. The third rule reminds that it is better to have the child eat a few fresh berries than fried potatoes.

How to feed your baby
How to feed your baby

What to Avoid While Feeding Your Baby

Your baby's good appetite depends on correct daily behavior and is developed from the first months of a baby's life. Prove to yourself and your baby that feeding is enjoyable. At this time, there were no shouts and swearing, no demands and ultimatums. Smile, poise, calmness.

Take away all possible snacks, occasional or not entirely. If you are out for a walk before lunch, exclude sugary drinks and cookies, which mothers and grandmothers love to distract from the whims of the baby. Snacks are good for women looking to lose weight. The main thing for the kid is to be ready to dine with appetite.

Your child needs to build up an appetite. Lie on your tummy, sit or stand for up to a year. Walk around and run for a walk on the street or in bad weather in the apartment. Support him in this. Play with him for half an hour or an hour. As a result, do not feed immediately after sleep, give the baby the opportunity to wake up, to feel the desire to eat.

The "manifested" appetite is inherent in nature itself. Your task is to teach the kid to use the skills inherent in him. Listen to the desires of the crumbs. And at your leisure, see how much and what kind of food is enough for a child to eat per day for normal development and growth. It turns out quite a bit. Do not forget that obesity is the disease of this age.

How to feed a person who does not want to eat

When breastfeeding, the mother sees when the baby is full. If you are bottle-fed and have poor appetite, try changing the formula. With the beginning of complementary feeding, it is important not to rush and wait for the baby to taste the new food. Do not start with sugary foods, or anything "savory" will be rejected.

When introducing complementary foods, be patient and again with patience. Offer tiny spoonfuls to help your child learn to swallow unfamiliar foods. Wait until everything is swallowed, at first this complex process will take several minutes. Give me a spoon and a bowl. Allow to touch food with handles, knead it. It doesn’t matter that after lunch there will be a bath and a wash.

Praise your little one every time he can eat a spoonful of complementary foods. If the little man refuses one meal, try cooking something different for another feed. Introduce each new complementary food product for several days. And no screams and raised tones from mom! Only praise.

For a toddler from two years old and older, try to make the menu together. Observe what your baby is eating better. Maybe he prefers fish to meat, porridge to vegetables, or vice versa. Calmly accept the child's choice. He has the right to do so. Paradoxical as it sounds for some mothers, the baby knows better at the instinct level what his growing body needs. This is what nature intended. And you watch and support his desires. Then there will be no complaints of poor appetite.

And nice little things. A drawing in a children's plate, which is visible only after lunch. Nicely arranged or decorated food in a plate. Let the beautiful carrots and greens float in the soup. And the porridge will look like a bear. Convenient table. Nice company. Let the baby see how dad and mom eat together and with appetite, sitting at the table. A beautiful clean bib and a bright napkin on the baby's table. And never force your toddler to eat.
