For a little man, communication with the people closest to him is the main source, thanks to which the baby nourishes the child's consciousness, learns the world around him, learns to use his native language. But not all parents know how to properly build a dialogue with a baby, where to start and what to talk about.

Step 1
Talk to your baby louder than your usual tone. Kids perceive rhythmic and melodic speech very well, and also actively respond to a certain intonation. Try to sing more children's songs, read rhymes, jokes, nursery rhymes. Depending on the meaning of the verse, speak softly and loudly, in a high and low voice, tenderly and angrily. But do it slowly and stretch out the vowel sounds. The kid should watch your facial expressions.
Step 2
Pay special attention to the pronunciation of the sounds "O" and "I". It is these sounds that the child may mistakenly substitute for "U" and "E" in the future. In the first year of a baby's life, the phonetic features of the native language are subconsciously laid down. Therefore, the more you talk to the baby, the less problems he will have in the future with the development of speech and literacy.
Step 3
Be sincere when talking to your child. Toddlers are very good at feeling deception. Mom can talk to her child, but mentally be in a different place. Do not be surprised if the child does not keep up a conversation with you, but simply turns away. If you decide to talk to a baby, concentrate all your attention on him.
Step 4
Before starting a conversation, try to catch the child's gaze, look him directly in the eyes. Always talk in a third person and refer to him by name. At first, the baby does not associate its name with itself, but the more and more often you say it, the faster the associative connection is formed. As a result, hearing his name, the baby will start smiling in response and turn his head towards you.
Step 5
Whether you are walking, visiting, preparing dinner or going to the store together, always speak out loud everything that is happening around you. Explain all your actions to your child lovingly. He must certainly be aware of your actions.
Step 6
When talking to a baby, say small sentences of 2-3 words. Also, use gestures when talking. Kids learn words very well, which are accompanied by appropriate gestures.
Step 7
Ask little questions more often, pause and wait for an answer in the form of grunting, body movement or a smile. Children respond to speech directed to them and try to respond to it in ways available to them.