Talking with babies is a must, psychologists say. Without communication from parents and relatives, the baby will not be able to perceive this world normally, learn to understand his native language, and later he may have problems with speech.

Step 1
You might think that a small child does not understand human speech until he learns to speak, cannot answer his parents, and therefore there is no need to talk about something serious with him. However, it is not. It is thanks to the speech of other people that the child gradually learns to distinguish first familiar sounds, then words, and then whole phrases. This process takes place long before the development of clear speech in the child himself.
Step 2
Parents need to communicate with babies in a variety of ways, but the main ones among them are two: imitating the child's speech or in the usual adult style, as if you are communicating on equal terms. Not a single parent can avoid sucking with a baby, because the children are so small and nice, and you just want to touch their cheeks, tell them something tender and sweet. Do not deny the child such communication, so you will show him the basic sounds: "agu", "ma-ma", "pa-pa", "ba-ba", the intonation of expressions, teach the basics of the native language, from which the child will then lay down his first word. Parents, speaking in the language of the baby, subconsciously understand that in this way they become closer and more understandable to him, the child more clearly captures the intonation that they want to convey to him.
Step 3
But to get carried away with lisping is still not worth it. Indeed, in their everyday speech, people do not speak like that, and therefore the baby needs to learn to speak like adults, and not they adapt to his speech. Devote most of your communication with your child to the usual manner of conversation, tell him what you are going to do, describe the actions that you are already doing. Moreover, there is no need to pronounce the faceless words "he" or "she", call a spade a spade: "The bear cub will sleep", "Sasha has eaten." In this case, you will, of course, have to take the initiative in communication, for this, ask questions yourself and answer them yourself, comment on the actions of the baby.
Step 4
You should talk with a child openly and honestly, he will always notice a fake. And while he will answer you. After a while, you will already be able to discern what a child's humming means: joy, resentment, boredom, and what crying means: loss, hunger, pain. The child will respond to almost any phrase of the mother with sounds, this is not yet speech, but already her rudiments, which will improve as the child develops.
Step 5
The baby should see the mother's articulation, how her lips move, how the expression changes, he must definitely watch conversations, constantly hear his own speech - otherwise how can he memorize a huge number of words, learn to repeat after adults and reproduce words and sentences? Therefore, talk to your child as often as possible, while maintaining eye contact, let him touch your lips and face in the process of communication. This will help the baby to better remember the articulation of the adult and reproduce it in the future.
Step 6
For the best speech development, read as much as possible to your young child. Use children's poems and songs for this - the baby perceives rhythmic expressions much better than ordinary speech. Some psychologists advise reading children's fairy tales of the classics for the development of a child's speech - they capture amazing imagery and contain an excellent vocabulary.