7 Reasons To Come To The Pool With Your Baby

7 Reasons To Come To The Pool With Your Baby
7 Reasons To Come To The Pool With Your Baby

Swimming is good for people of all ages, and newborn babies are no exception. The child was in the mother's tummy for nine months, and therefore got used to the aquatic environment and feels very comfortable in it. What does water give to a baby and why is infant swimming so useful?

Swimming will help your baby discover the world around him faster and more interesting
Swimming will help your baby discover the world around him faster and more interesting
  1. Strong body. Swimming helps to strengthen muscles and joints. Water relaxes and gently massages the baby's body, normalizes his muscle tone. The arms and legs become more obedient, which means that it will become easier for the child to move them and explore the world around him. In addition to the musculoskeletal system, the vestibular apparatus develops, the circulatory system improves.
  2. Strong immunity. Consecutive workouts lead to a gentle hardening of the baby's body and to the strengthening of his immunity. The respiratory system is actively developing, the child learns to breathe deeply. During diving, the nasopharynx is washed and moistened. In addition, the baby's body from an early age gets used to foreign microflora, learns to resist infections. Swimming and diving is an excellent prevention of respiratory diseases.
  3. Healthy tummy. Many newborn babies suffer from intestinal colic after birth. Later, with the introduction of complementary foods, it is often difficult to digest new food. During swimming, an active massage of the abdomen and lower back takes place, which helps to cope with gas formation and constipation.
  4. Smart head. During diving, the child holds his breath, which leads to stimulation of neural activity. In the brain, blood circulation improves, new connections are formed, and your baby develops faster.
  5. Communication and good mood. In the pool, the child gets to know other people - the coach, other kids and learns to communicate with them. With the right approach, classes and games bring pleasure to the baby, charge him with positive emotions.
  6. Daily regime. Active intense workouts help the child to comply with the established daily routine. The child becomes calmer, he eats and sleeps well. Often, swimming activities lead to the fact that the child begins to sleep soundly and without awakening at night.
  7. Happy mom and dad. Strong, healthy and active baby! To kindergarten without colds! Good nights! What could be better for parents ?!
