In the world of children, there is no place for despondency, inaction or apathy. Kids are always running somewhere, crawling, etc. They are interested in everything. Moreover, they infect adults with their optimism, who are also not averse to playing with children. As soon as the baby grows up, parents show him a lot of games. But one of the favorites becomes "Ladushki", which brings so much joy to your child.

Step 1
If you want to teach your child to play "Okay", you may have to be patient. Depending on the nature of the baby, his development and susceptibility, this can take a different amount of time. First, it is necessary that everyone in the room should play "Ladushki". One of the adults begins to tell the Russian sentence, and the rest show the child the movements. Looking around, the baby will also start repeating after relatives. Perhaps the first times he will get lost, but soon he will remember the order.
Step 2
In the event that the kid does not want to play "Ladushki" for the first time, you should not throw this game on the shelf. Such behavior does not mean that he did not like it. It is possible that the child was just looking closely, trying on strange movements. When you repeat this experience a second time, do it more slowly. Match words and gestures carefully, pausing between parts. Soon the kid will understand the rules of the game, learn the movements and will happily slap his hands. And at this moment, on the face of the child, you can read genuine happiness.
Step 3
Please note that the seemingly simple "Ladushki" game develops hand coordination, motor skills, and allows you to determine the work of the organs of sight and hearing. So you can monitor your child's maturation without the help of doctors.
Step 4
It should be emphasized that you should not play "Ladushki" with your baby when he is in a bad mood. Even if by inertia he repeats the movements, it will not bring him pleasure or happiness. Better tell him an interesting fairy tale, story, try to interest him with a bright toy or book.
Step 5
In order to speed up the process of learning the rules of the game "Okay", you can take the child's hands in yours and with him do all the movements from beginning to end. Such an exercise will allow him to quickly remember the location of his hands, because it can be quite difficult for a baby to independently coordinate his actions.