Modern children spend more and more time in front of the TV or monitor screen. Meanwhile, it is in the power of parents to organize the child's leisure time usefully, so that in the process of playing he trains attention and develops analytical skills. Checkers, familiar to everyone from childhood, are perfect for this purpose. By teaching your child to play checkers, you will help him learn such important qualities as attentiveness, perseverance and the ability to think logically.

Step 1
Buy a checkers set, consisting of a multicellular board and checkers in black and white. For 3-4-year-old kids, there are special children's kits on sale, in which checkers are made in the form of cars, airplanes or dinosaurs. Funny figures will interest the kid more than standard black and white checkers.
Step 2
Explain the rules of the game of checkers to your child in an accessible form. There are many variations of this entertaining game, but "Russian checkers" are considered classics. This game is played on an 8x8 board. Each player has 12 checkers at his disposal, which at the beginning of the game are placed in three rows on black cells. Checkers can be rearranged to free black cells: move diagonally one cell and "beat" the opponent's checkers by jumping over them. The beaten checker is no longer involved in the game and is removed from the board. A checker that reaches the end of the board is called a "king" and can move diagonally to any number of squares in any direction. The ultimate goal of this game is to "beat" all the opponent's checkers.
Step 3
Purchase special literature for children, which simply and amusingly describes the rules and techniques of playing checkers.
Step 4
Having taught the child to play checkers, try to keep the interest in the new game alive. Arrange intra-family tournaments or invite his peers to play. When learning, it is important that the child has the opportunity to play with both stronger and weaker opponents.
Step 5
Do not rush your child if he is confused in the rules or not well enough, in your opinion, thinks through the moves. You were probably not born with the ability to play checkers either, and it took you a while to learn it.
Step 6
Be sure to praise your child for every success and do not forget to tell him how smart he is and how proud you are of his victories.