As the child grows up, it becomes necessary to wean him from the bottle. If the baby was breastfed, then there will be no problems with this. But children who are on artificial or mixed food do not always want to part with their bottle.

Step 1
It is better to start the process of weaning the baby from the bottle when the baby can sit on his own, eat from a spoon and drink from a cup. With age, the child needs more and more varied food products, since formula milk or porridge cannot meet the needs of a growing body. In addition, bottle sucking negatively affects the growth and development of your baby's teeth.
Step 2
However, the age and time to wean the bottle is different for each baby. Do not start this process after the child has experienced stress and severe emotional distress. For example, after a move, parental divorce, the birth of a youngest child. A bottle during this period for a baby is a symbol of a symbol of tranquility and comfort.
Step 3
In addition, babies react differently when the bottle is taken away from them. If the baby is ready to part with her, he can cry for several days and forget about her. But if he is not ready yet, he will be capricious for a long time.
Step 4
To wean your child off the bottle, tell him that it is lost or broken. If you manage to endure 1-2 nights "with a concert", you have coped with the task. But if your compassionate parental heart can not stand, all efforts were in vain, the child will become even more attached to the bottle, and it will be even more difficult to wean him.
Step 5
Show your baby that drinking from a mug is simply tastier than drinking from a bottle. To do this, salt a little water in a bottle, and sweeten it in a cup. Give a drink first from the bottle and then from the cup.
Step 6
Pack the bottle nicely and ask the child to present it to some small "lala", explaining to him that he is already big. The kid will give it, he will be proud of his deed, and parting with the bottle will be painless.
Step 7
Don't be a bad example. Imitation of adults is one of the main ways of teaching children. If you yourself drink from a bottle without pouring liquid into a mug, the baby will repeat after you and will not give up his bottle.