The creation of a children's group is based on eternal human values such as mutual love and understanding, mutual assistance and mutual assistance. The prototype of the group is a family with the correct life principles: respect by children of their parents, and vice versa - by parents of children, attention to each other, the ability to work together to resist life's difficulties, mutual support.

Step 1
If you decide to organize a children's group at home, then you will need to think about solving the following problems. First, how to organize a friendly atmosphere of communication for children, teach them conflict-free interaction. Secondly, how to create favorable conditions for the development of aspirations and talents in every child. Thirdly, how to organize the general educational process for older children in order to instill a love of learning, an interest in learning new things and the ability to interest younger children.
Step 2
It is necessary to conduct creative, musical, sports activities, as well as needlework classes. In the process, the inclinations and abilities of each child are clarified.
Step 3
It is necessary to think over joint activities, they contribute to the cohesion of children, teach them to help each other to achieve a common goal, at the same time allowing each child to show their preferences and skills. A striking example of such a spiritual unity of children in a group is the organization of all kinds of holidays and matinees with the preparation of performances and decoration of the festive hall. Cooking together also brings children together and makes them enjoyable.
Step 4
Children should be given more freedom in creativity, give everyone the right to choose their own way of achieving the goal. Only in this way will all children's achievements bring joy to children and their parents, and stimulate their striving for new achievements. It is important to maintain the authority of parents and family values, the family is the basis of all relationships in the future and in the kindergarten group, as well.
Step 5
For parents, it is necessary to organize meetings, practical exercises on the topics of raising children and developing relationships between children and adults. This helps them to analyze their attitude towards the child and adjust the methods of upbringing. If you can create an atmosphere of creativity and freedom of creativity in your group, then the abilities and talents of each child will develop faster, and in such a group will grow up happy and successful children in the future.