For modern children, the market is simply overflowing with clothes. But it is difficult to choose from the whole variety of fabrics just those that will serve faithfully for a long time. In fact, you don't need to have a lot of baby clothes, you just need to choose the right wardrobe for your baby. Fleece suits and underwear are one of the great options.

Fleece is used to sew not only suits (separately a jacket and trousers) and overalls, but also shirt-fronts, gloves and hats. Although it is a synthetic fabric, it has many advantages over natural wool.
The fleece is very lightweight and warm. Clothes made of it are practically weightless, which is very noticeable when it comes to a baby just starting to walk. It is almost impossible for such a toddler to move in a thick woolen jacket in winter. But the fleece suit for the same low temperatures will be thin, not restricting movement.
At the same time, the fleece perfectly retains heat and removes moisture from the body. These properties are simply irreplaceable in the rainy season, when the baby needs to wear a rubberized protective jacket and pants. Rubber not only protects from the rain outside, but also prevents the skin from breathing enough. If a child has cotton under such a garment, he will quickly get wet from sweat and cool down, the baby will simply freeze. But the fleece will wick moisture away from the body, but it will remain warm itself. Due to the fact that it warms even when wet, in fleece gloves and mittens, hands do not freeze a little in rain and sleet.
The mother who likes to wear her baby in a sling or ergo backpack will also appreciate the quality of the fleece underwear. When the child sits in the carrier on the parent's body, his movements are very constrained, additional belts and fasteners are completely unnecessary there. Therefore, a one-piece overalls are the best option for a sling. It has only one zipper and no other locks that can interfere with movement or injure your baby. In addition, in close contact with the mother, a lot of heat accumulates, the baby's stomach often sweats, and the back, meanwhile, is much colder. Fleece will wick moisture away from your belly skin and keep your back from freezing.
The design of the fleece overalls is easy to lay a large margin of size. This is done by cuffs on the sleeves and legs, as well as elastic bands on the back. Therefore, underwear made of such fabric will last more than one season.
Fleece clothing dries quickly. In suits with cuffs and inserts, cotton dries much longer. Therefore, the fleece underwear or suit does not need to be replaced. If the baby gets them wet in the morning, they will dry out by the evening.
There is no need to spend money buying a myriad of baby clothes “for change”. It is enough to bring your baby one or two high-quality fleece suits or underwear, which will be useful both in winter in frosts and in summer in rains.