Fascinating, colorful children's books are the first step towards the wonderful world of reading. Parents are increasingly concerned with the question of how to captivate children with reading. It is necessary to start acquainting with literature from a very early age. It is important to choose children's books that will not only appeal to the young reader, but also correspond to his age.

Children of the first and second years of life still cannot concentrate their attention for a long time. They will like books with large bright drawings, uncomplicated plot. It is good if the publication is provided with voice accompaniment. By pressing the buttons, the kid remembers the appearance of the characters, gets acquainted with the sounds they make.
A good first book for a child should be tightly bound so that the little reader cannot tear it. During this period, introduce kids to wild, domestic animals, their structure, habitats. Use pictures and plain text below them.
Don't buy books for toddlers that have long, complex stories. Due to their age, they simply cannot understand the content.
From the age of three, children listen well to fairy tales. Russian folk or written by children's writers will do. The volume of the text read at a time is no more than two pages. After ten minutes of listening, the baby, according to the characteristics of the age, will begin to be distracted, indulge in.
Between four and five years of age, children are attracted to magical stories. Girls love princesses, boys love exciting sea pirate adventures. Traveling to distant countries, the adventures of your favorite cartoon characters are sure to please.
Pay attention to the plot. Don't read violent books to your children; instead, choose interesting stories where the heroes teach kindness, empathy, and any good qualities. After all, they are laid precisely in childhood.
Older preschool age is the time for research. From the age of five, offer encyclopedias that tell about everything in the world. Observe what interests the child the most. Buy books on this topic, you can't go wrong.
Having learned to read independently, the child wants to quickly read all his books. For novice readers, publications in which fairy tales and stories are written in syllables will come in handy. If your child is having a hard time, take turns reading with him.
Maintain children's interest in viewing illustrations and reading on their own. It has been proven that children who have heard and read many stories learn new knowledge better, write more competently, and quickly find a common language with others.