A crisis situation is a situation in which a person experiences a strong psychological stress state. The experience gained requires in a short time to change the ideas of the individual about the reality around him. A psychologist helps a person to cope with such changes.

The emergence of crisis situations requires an immediate solution. Otherwise, the situation can lead to even worse manifestations. This can include addictive behavior such as alcoholism or drug addiction. Psychological assistance is provided to a person depending on the stage of development of a crisis situation he is at.
Routine complaints
Routine complaints are the first stage in the development of a crisis. It has such a name due to the fact that the stressful moment for a person always comes at the same time. For example, things get out of hand every Thursday night at six o'clock. Then help to a person may be limited to psychological counseling. At the same time, the plan of human action that precedes the crisis is analyzed in detail. It is worth working out various models of the individual's behavior, namely, trying to determine all possible reactions to certain stimuli.
Possible crisis
The second stage refers to the risk that the situation could get out of control. If a person has time to resolve the crisis situation, then the psychologist needs to compose a description of the fact, to determine the goal for the individual's actions. You should also sort out the priorities of action in case the situation gets out of possible control. If the risk can affect not a specific individual, but a group of people, then in this case it is necessary to compose a message and notify everyone personally.
The crisis itself
If the crisis has caught you at the present time and there are no resources to think about an action plan, then first of all it is necessary to take emergency measures. The psychologist must notify special institutions about where the emergency happened, what it is. The next step will be to activate the crisis team. Gather strong people who can provide not only emotional support, but can also help with deeds. If the situation can bring physical harm to people, then it is necessary to make medical assistance a priority. People who have suffered severe psychological trauma need reassurance and motivation.
It must be remembered that a crisis situation affects the loss of faith in life. It is necessary to show a person that, despite this, his existence is controllable. The trauma experienced has a profound effect on a person's perception of time. What he experienced before stress seems to him not so important, the future seems pointless and hopeless. Therefore, it is important to give a person an incentive for further life, to determine priorities and build available tasks for solving.