Staying abroad can be very useful for learning a foreign language. This is especially true for children who quickly adapt to a new language environment. There are several different possibilities for sending children abroad.

Step 1
Decide how ready your child is for the trip. Children under school age are best taken only on trips with their parents. Although they are quite susceptible to foreign languages, they also tend to quickly forget the information they receive. In addition, for such a small child, separation from their parents, combined with a change in environment, can be quite stressful.
Step 2
Select a travel program for your child. First of all, you need to determine the time frame. It can be a short visit for one week or, for example, a language camp for a month. There are also opportunities for longer trips, for example, for permanent study abroad. At the same time, it is desirable that the child already have experience of life abroad - this way it will be easier for him to part with his parents for a long time. Do not try to send your child far from home on the first trip. The countries of Eastern and Western Europe are close enough to the European part of Russia, which simplifies the transport problem - the child will not need to endure a long-term continuous flight.
Step 3
Book your child the chosen place of study or vacation. This can be done through a travel agency, but it is easier to contact a foreign camp or school directly. In this case, you will save on paying interest to intermediaries. However, this is especially convenient when you live near the embassy of the country where your son or daughter will go to rest. Otherwise, you will still have to contact the travel agency for a visa.
Step 4
Please note that most countries, upon receipt of entry documents, require the consent of both parents to leave the child from Russia. Therefore, both parents, if the child is traveling alone, must issue a travel permit from a notary. These documents are included in the general package of papers for obtaining a visa.