In order not to get confused in notebooks, as well as to facilitate the work of teachers, every student must sign his notebooks. However, this should be done carefully and in accordance with the requirements of the educational institution.

If signing notebooks on Russian, mathematics and other subjects does not cause difficulties for the majority of schoolchildren, then the situation is different with the German language. Each educational institution has its own rules for signing notebooks on this subject, and they should be taken into account. For example, in some schools the requirements are minimal - the notebook simply has to be signed in German, in others - more exacting - the document in German must be signed in the upper right corner of the notebook, indented from the edges by one and a half to two centimeters, and in the center - by Russian.
In the first case, the first line should contain the name of the subject in German, that is, Deutsch, on the second - the class, for example, Klasse 7 (of course, the number is prescribed), on the third - the name of the school or number, for example, Schuie 7, on fourth and fifth - given name and surname in the nominative case, for example, Eiena Ivaniva.

If, at the request of the school, an inscription in Russian should flaunt in the center of the notebook, then the document must be signed like all other notebooks, for example, for works on the German language of the 7th grade student of school No. 7 Elena Ivanova (in the genitive case). In this case, the signature in German should be in the upper right corner of the notebook and look like this:
Klasse 7
Schuie 7
Eiena Ivaniva
In general, if signing notebooks, especially in foreign subjects, cause difficulties for you, then you can always purchase labels on which almost everything is already spelled out, except for the school number, class, name and surname of the student.