How To Make A Herbarium

How To Make A Herbarium
How To Make A Herbarium

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Autumn is a beautiful time. The colorful leaves attract both children and adults. At the beginning of autumn, you can draw up a herbarium that will help in the education and development of the child. Now we will look at how to collect a herbarium from the leaves of different plants.

How to make a herbarium
How to make a herbarium


A4 sheets, binder with files, marker, large books, old newspapers, small knife (for cutting), glue, tape, water


Step 1

Choose dry weather and go to the nearest park, grove, garden. Select even leaves without damage and carefully cut them off with a knife. Also pick up already fallen colorful leaves.

Step 2

Pour water into a small container and add some glue (about 1/8 of a tube of PVA glue). Stir the water and dip the leaves into it one at a time. Spread newspapers on the floor and lay leaves on top of them. Lay several layers of newspaper on top of the leaves. Press down on top (large books) and leave for 8-10 days.

Step 3

Glue each finished dried leaf with tape or glue in the middle of the A4 sheet and spread it around you. At the bottom of the sheet, write the name of the tree. If you cannot determine from which tree the leaf is, then use the plant encyclopedia or the Internet to search. Place sheets neatly into files and staple with a binder.
