Popular Names For Girls In

Popular Names For Girls In
Popular Names For Girls In

If in 2015 you expect the appearance of a girl, then the choice of a suitable name for the baby should be approached extremely responsibly, because the name, as you know, can have a certain influence on the character and future fate of the child. If you still do not know what to call a girl born in 2015, then it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular female names.

Popular names for girls in 2015
Popular names for girls in 2015

Anastasia. Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales, which is why girls with such a name are simply predetermined to be the most tender, smartest and most beautiful. Girls with this name love fairy tales, often dream and have a developed imagination. Anastasia's adults have a fine mental organization, so they make excellent artists, psychologists and kindergarten teachers. Nastya, as a rule, marry strong and courageous men early. Anastasias become devoted and caring wives, flirting and romance on the side do not attract them.

Natalia. Since childhood, Natasha has shown themselves as ardent public figures, becoming the initiators of various games in the children's team. At Natalia's school, they show diligence and become among the best students in the class. Representatives of this sign have a cheerful and cheerful character, they easily find a common language with people. Natalia is a very proud person, so they cannot calmly take criticism in their address. Natalia gets married early and does not experience much hesitation in choosing a chosen one.

Irina. Since childhood, Irina are distinguished by their independent and decisive character. They are able to study well, but for this they need to make some effort. Irina is not sentimental, but rather, on the contrary, somewhat harsh. Representatives of this name are sociable and easily find a common language with strangers, however, in the company of men they feel much better, surrounded by women they quickly get bored. Career and professional growth is an obligatory part of the life of a girl with that name. Irina is an amorous nature, but in a relationship they always maintain independence and never devote themselves entirely to a loved one and home.

Anna. Girls with this name grow up artistic, kind and sympathetic. They love to take care of animals, and if someone is crying nearby, they will certainly console and cheer up. Annas love to do needlework, in childhood they sew dresses for their dolls with pleasure, and as they grow up, they sew outfits for themselves and their friends. Anna belongs to the category of people who live not only with their own, but also with other people's concerns. Representatives of this name are very attentive to their appearance, they like to dress stylishly and do beautiful hairstyles. At work, Anna is completely devoted to her work, while the material side and career growth are of secondary importance for them. In marriage, Anna is faithful to her second half, but they do not forgive betrayal.

Elizabeth. Little Lizas are playful and restless children, making them sit quietly for several minutes is almost impossible. Lisa has many friends at school, she is appreciated for her perky character and ability to be friends. Elizabeth wants to seem better than they are, so they tend to do extraordinary things, which they themselves soon regret. They are proud and impulsive, often it seems to them that people treat them worse than they deserve, therefore they enter into conflicts. In family relationships, Lisa is ready for anything to ensure that peace reigns in the house.

Alexandra. If a girl with that name is the only child in the family, then she will grow up stubborn and capricious. Sasha are in good health, they like to attend sports sections. In sports, they show determination and, as a rule, achieve excellent results. Alexandra is learning well if they think they need it. Alexandras have a secretive and withdrawn character. They are very truth-loving and do not forgive lies. Alexander makes very good lawyers, accountants, doctors are attracted to driving a car. Sasha marries late, but they become faithful wives and wonderful mothers.

Valeria. In childhood, Lera's behavior is unpredictable and depends on which leg she got up from - she can walk offended all day, although no one gave a reason for resentment, and then suddenly become kind and affectionate. Having matured, Valeria continue to be complex and unpredictable natures. This eccentric character is due to increased sensitivity and vulnerability. In marriage, Valeria is a loving and caring wife, however, her excessive jealousy often becomes a reason for divorce.

Victoria. Little Viktorias are somewhat lazy and slow, have a calm and balanced character. In games with children, they are rarely the ringleaders, being content with a passive role. In their youth, Viktorias come to life and begin to take care of themselves, but shyness and self-doubt often pushes them to commit bizarre acts (either overdo it with perfume, then wear a skirt that is too short, then amaze everyone with indecently bright makeup, then behave defiantly at a party, etc.) e). Such assertiveness and demonstrativeness will manifest itself in a more mature age. At work, Victoria is businesslike, loves to force events and lecture colleagues. Of the professions she prefers to choose those that do not require communication with people, and the final result depends only on her. Victoria has been choosing her husband for a long time because of her indecision and insecurity, but if a man gets her location, then she will become a faithful, loving and caring wife.

In 2015, many girls will also be born with such beautiful names as Sofia, Inessa, Diana, Varvara, Mila, Eva and Zlata.
