What Can Children Eat 3-5 Years Old

What Can Children Eat 3-5 Years Old
What Can Children Eat 3-5 Years Old

Children aged 3 to 5 years are quite capable of consuming "adult" food. Therefore, parents think about whether the foods that make up the baby's diet are useful and safe. At this age, there are some nutritional restrictions for children. And also determined the nutritional standards necessary for the normal growth and development of the child.

What can children eat 3-5 years old
What can children eat 3-5 years old

For the growing body of a child of 3-5 years old age group, a balanced intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is necessary. Of the required norm - 65 g of protein, approximately 2/3 should be of animal origin. This is achieved by eating easily digestible meat (veal, beef, chicken) and dairy products. A preschool child needs a daily rate of about half a liter of milk and other dairy products (kefir, acidophilus, cottage cheese). In addition to proteins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other necessary microelements will be included in the child's diet with dairy products.

The growing body must receive vegetable proteins from various cereals, legumes and fresh vegetables. At this age, the child is happy to use crumbly porridge as a side dish for meat or fish, as well as in the form of an independent dish. You need to add butter in small quantities to cereals. The total required amount of fat for a child from 3 to 5 years old should not exceed 65 g, of which at least 15% is of vegetable origin. Excessively fatty foods at this age are poorly absorbed, especially if consumed at night.

Carbohydrates help the assimilation of fats and proteins, their need for children of this age is 270 g. When drawing up a menu for your baby, keep in mind that carbohydrates are contained not only in fruits, but also in vegetables and cereals. Foods such as chocolate and cocoa are not harmful in the absence of allergies, but excessive consumption should be avoided. Derivatives of cocoa beans stimulate the nervous system, and if your child belongs to the category of hyperactive children, it is better to completely exclude them from the diet.

For good digestion of a child at this age, it is necessary to accustom him to salads from fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. Boiled and fried plant foods should also be included in the diet. For example, zucchini pancakes, vegetable stew, stuffed peppers, baked pumpkin, etc. Vegetable fiber ensures normal intestinal motility and prevention of constipation.

When preparing food for a child, you can use seasonings to improve the taste, but preferences must also be considered. Not all children enjoy garlic, ginger, or pepper. For a variety of the children's menu, you can sometimes give your child canned meat or fish, pickles and smoked foods. But do not get carried away with them.

At this age, a four-day diet is considered optimal, because food is digested in the stomach in about 4 hours. The total daily food intake ranges from 1,500 g for a 3 year old to 1,800 g for a 5 year old. This is an average and some children may need more or less food. However, overfeeding the child is not worth it, excess food is fraught with digestive problems and excess weight.

The more varied the child's menu is, the more nutrients he will receive. And of course, when serving the dish, you should pay attention to the beautiful design. For example, a combination of bright vegetables as a garnish for meat, porridge with pieces of fruit or a smiley face from jam on a casserole - these "touches" in the serving will help feed even the fastidious crumbs with wholesome food.
