Love alone is not enough to build a strong relationship. In her desire to please her beloved, a woman often misbehaves. Mistakes can lead to sad consequences. How can you avoid these mistakes? There are a number of rules that a woman can follow to be happy.

A woman for the sake of her beloved is ready for a lot. And some of the fairer sex sacrifice everything for the sake of their chosen one. The question is, is your lover ready to accept this? Will this sacrifice preserve the relationship?
Love is chemistry. Long-term love is the mutual respect of two independent people. Dissolving in a partner, a woman loses her individuality, ceases to be interesting. The notorious "zest" disappears. The gentleman switches to other girls: he spends his free time with them, makes plans for the future.
There are 4 things a girl shouldn't do for her partner. By adhering to these rules, she will maintain self-respect, which means mutual love.
Rule 1. Don't pretend
During the courtship period, the best qualities appear. Walking in nature, talking over a cup of coffee help to get to know your partner better, to show yourself from the advantageous side. The desire to be liked often forces a girl to seem intuitively not who she really is.
Does he like the bold and daring? “She tells pertinent stories from her" personal life. " Does he prefer girls with short hair? - She rushes to the hairdresser to cut her long hair.
At first it amuses, heats up the intrigue. But later on, the need to play someone else's role tires, begins to annoy. The cavalier is disappointed, he feels deceived. The relationship ends.
Be yourself. After all, the beloved drew attention to you. Why offer him another person?
Rule 2. Don't give a man money
He is a breadwinner. She is the keeper of the hearth. This division of roles continues to be relevant in the modern world.
Simultaneously with feelings, a guy has a need to be responsible for his girlfriend. This is how nature works. Make a nice gift, protect, help. He must realize himself as a man.
Giving a loved one money, a woman deprives him of his masculinity. Because for a real man, taking money from a woman is humiliating. The meaning of the relationship is lost. It is difficult for him to realize himself both on the personal front and in the professional sphere.
A man who is unable to bear responsibility collapses and loses his will. He either gets used to it, becoming worthless, or goes to another woman, with whom he gains self-respect, which means happiness.
Rule 3. Do not tolerate violence
He and she complement each other. If she is weak, then he is strong. The strength of a loved one is not in fists and harsh words, but in the ability to protect loved ones from hardships. Even the slightest hint of physical or psychological abuse should be a signal to end the relationship.
Today is a wave of the hand, tomorrow is a blow, the day after tomorrow is a hospital bed. The tyrant won't stop. Even the most tearful begging for forgiveness will not change the sad future. The rapist needs a victim. There is only one way out - parting. The assault will stop when he realizes that you no longer have fear, that you have freed yourself from the destructive bond.
Rule 4. Do not forgive betrayal
Oddly enough, but treason and betrayal are different concepts. Betrayal, betrayal, strife. Even the most enamored man pays attention to other women. This is inherent in nature. The task of a wise wife or young girl is to remain always desirable for her chosen one: to take care of herself, to admire her beloved.
To forgive or not to forgive an accidental intrigue is a purely personal matter. Each of them will have to answer difficult questions for themselves. Is it possible to maintain the sincerity of the relationship with this knowledge? Will the trust in the partner remain? Will jealousy poison life? Does the traitor realize his guilt?
Another thing is a long-term relationship on the side, repeated betrayal. A man lives a double life, is not afraid to lose his girlfriend. Lies, dodges, betrays relationships.
Sooner or later, betrayal becomes apparent. You cannot forgive him. Such a man does not respect his chosen one, is indifferent to her experiences. Reproaches, suspicions cause him irritation, later anger.
There is no point in clinging to such poisonous love. Having survived the breakup, you will recover, open your heart to a new acquaintance.
A reasonable question arises: "What should a woman do for the sake of her beloved?" She should surround him with care, attention. Give tenderness. Create coziness at home. The main thing is to appreciate your chosen one, understand and accept his weaknesses.