Prevention Of Premature Birth

Prevention Of Premature Birth
Prevention Of Premature Birth

Some women fear premature birth. If you want to safely carry a child, then first of all you need to reconsider your diet and avoid negative emotions. Forget about smoking and alcoholic beverages. Follow a healthy lifestyle and your doctor's recommendations.

Prevention of premature birth
Prevention of premature birth

Many women wonder how to prevent premature birth. In this regard, we can say the following. If you decide to conceive a child, then you first need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination. If your hormonal balance is disturbed, then you need the help of an endocrinologist. Determine your Rh factor. If it turns out to be negative, then you will need to do your best to keep the pregnancy going.

Before conception, you will need to be screened for diabetes, liver, kidney, heart and other diseases. During the entire period of bearing a child, you will need to constantly visit a doctor. If we are talking about somatic pathology, then you need to exactly follow the recommendations of a specialist. If you are Rh negative, you will need to have your Rh antibody titer checked monthly. It will not be superfluous to check the presence or absence of hemolytic disease in the fetus. Perhaps your friends will tell you about how horrible their childbirth was. You shouldn't take it personally. After all, any organism is unique and everything will be different for you. Cross out sausages, sausages, canned food, as well as all kinds of semi-finished products from the diet. You need to consume enough dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

If you want the birth to go well, then you need a positive attitude and plenty of rest for this. Think only good things.
