If the child has become obstinate and stubborn, he no longer listens to the words and requests of the parents so much, then we can say that the baby has begun a crisis of three years of age.

What to do?
First of all, we must try to prevent roaring and tantrums, to carry out prevention. If it comes to screaming and screaming, then certain rules should be followed.
Prevention. You can and cannot
Constant prohibitions are annoying and do not lead to anything good. It is necessary to highlight what is strictly prohibited (run out onto the road, eat a lot of chocolate, beat the cat) and be sure to explain why. Everything else should be resolved according to the circumstances, constantly (and imperceptibly) observing the child, not limiting his independence, but trying (again imperceptibly) to guide and help him.

I myself
The child wants to do a lot himself - be patient, allow (except for the strict prohibitions mentioned above), teach and be sure to praise.
The game
Small game situations, competitions should be invented. Who will get dressed faster - a child or "Kolobok in another city" (pretend that the progress of the process is constantly being reported on the phone - here Kolobok has already put on a sweater, has already taken out a scarf).
Replace an item that is not desirable to touch (if it is not included in strict prohibitions) with some analogue (toy copy) and beat the replacement.
Preliminary preparation
If guests are coming to the house soon, or the child goes somewhere where many children gather, start a conversation about this a few days in advance. Explain the rules of conduct, tell how and where this event will take place, who will be there. If the event is outside the home, then come early, half an hour before the start, to give the child the opportunity to get used to it and switch to a new environment and new people.

If the child does not want to do something (except in cases when it is really dangerous or very unpleasant for him), you should create interest, tell how it will be interesting and wonderful - with vivid details.
The implementation of these prevention methods in many cases helps to prevent and avoid childish tantrums during the third year crisis.