How To Cope With A Five-year Crisis In Children

How To Cope With A Five-year Crisis In Children
How To Cope With A Five-year Crisis In Children

If a child turns from an obedient toddler into an uncontrollable and capricious one or is afraid of familiar things, withdrawing into himself, then these are signs of a 5-year-old crisis in children. You can go through a difficult period and cope with it, while preserving the nerves of your parents.

How to cope with a five-year crisis in children
How to cope with a five-year crisis in children

By the age of five, the child has mastered speech and communicates quite well. The kid observes the life of adults and tries to imitate his parents. Favorite phrase becomes: "I myself." However, 5-year-old children cannot fully become like adults. The contradictions between reality and desires explain the onset of the crisis.

Signs of a problem

Due to frustration, the baby becomes angry, unbalanced and aggressive. It is not always possible for the child to communicate with peers, although the baby himself strives for this. A sufficiently good level of development leads to an increase in the number of emotions, the formation of individual character. However, the baby is still unable to control his feelings.

Self-awareness by gender leads to isolation. The opinion about the world around is accompanied by fantasies, identification of oneself as a person appears. The child cannot understand either new thoughts or feelings, and the child cannot cope with numerous new hobbies. All this leads to a crisis of the age of five.

You can understand that the baby needs help by several signs:

  • whims for no reason and hysterics for any reason, disobedience;
  • a sharp change in behavior, aggression;
  • imitation of adults, antics;
  • desire to do everything yourself without adults;
  • the desire to pass off their fantasies as the truth;
  • increased excitability, hyperactivity is replaced by fatigue;
  • the appearance of various fears, isolation;
  • rudeness in communication with peers and elders;
  • the desire to do everything out of spite;
  • constant discontent;
  • stubbornness, desire to impose one's will.
How to cope with a five-year crisis in children
How to cope with a five-year crisis in children

It is impossible to say for sure how long the difficult period will take. It is individual for each baby. The crisis can last from several weeks to a year. And the problem time begins not exactly at 5 years old, but later or earlier. It is also individual.

How to help your baby at home

First of all, it is important not to panic. Therefore, it makes sense to realize that such a crisis is an inevitable problem. Parents can make it less painful. Even in such a period, there are advantages. The hidden talents of children begin to emerge. Parents will be able to pick up a hobby for their child and themselves.

Developing sections, classes will help to reveal the potential of the baby. It is very good to ask the child what is most exciting for him. You can offer something in addition to the wishes of the offspring. It makes no sense to hope that at this age children will gain worldwide fame, but it will be easier for them later in the search for a vocation. New acquaintances and the desire to achieve success will not leave time for experiences. And a hobby will ease the course of the crisis, teach you how to achieve your goals.

Parents need maximum patience and a favorable environment, affection and care. Response irritation and anger, as a reaction to tantrums, are unacceptable. This will make the situation worse. You do not need to react to whims: it is recommended to behave calmly. In the absence of increased attention, outbursts of emotions will soon stop, not becoming the norm. It is necessary to find out the reason for the discontent of the crumbs after the end of the hysteria.

Care and attention are required. It is important to maintain a relationship of trust, play together, walk. You can't hinder the baby's desire for independence. It is necessary that from their own experience the children understood that there are still too complicated things for them and help is needed to carry out their plans. On the other hand, both sides will be pleased with a simple assignment.

How to cope with a five-year crisis in children
How to cope with a five-year crisis in children

You shouldn't criticize your baby often. He needs a positive assessment. It is worth excluding categoricalness. Instead of pressure, one must clearly explain to the baby in the form of a conversation what cannot be done. At the same time, it is necessary to talk on an equal footing. This proves the friendly disposition of the adult and inspires confidence.

Psychological advice

If the child does not need help, then there is no point in offering it. If the parents noticed that the baby is coping, there is no need to remove him from the implementation. Much better to suggest doing together.

  • Physical punishment can be set against parents. In this case, the child takes offense at everyone around him, grows up cruel.
  • There is no point in being frightened by the flight of children's imagination. It's better to write stories together. Perhaps, in the future, an exciting occupation will develop into a profession.
  • All crumbs of ideas deserve a positive attitude. It is advisable to be interested in his dreams. It makes no sense to forget about development and parents. Personal growth will make the time of the crisis invisible.

It is very good to celebrate the positive qualities of the baby and help him achieve new successes. It is imperative to explain to the child in conversation what is bad and what is good. This aspect deserves special attention with the tendency of the crumbs to aggression, fights.

How to cope with a five-year crisis in children
How to cope with a five-year crisis in children

But it makes sense to start learning to think logically, to object without aggression, to formulate your arguments. This will help in the future to establish communication with others without hysterics.

It is important that the child does not get bored. In this case, he will not have reasons for isolation and irritability: a useful deed will not allow negative thoughts to linger in his head.


In a difficult time for everyone, punishing and scolding a crumb is a big mistake. Persistent and gentle communication is facilitated by the recommendations of psychologists:

  • It is important to maintain the baby's trust by becoming his friend and example. Then the difficult period will become much easier.
  • You can not ignore the child, going about your own business.
  • Unreasonable raising of the voice, humiliation and forceful influence are unacceptable.
  • It is important to do without lectures and lectures, indications of the superiority of adults.
  • Inappropriate behavior and obvious aggression cannot be ignored. There is no point in postponing help if your baby needs it.

It's very good to have fun with children, play with them, understand their world. It is important that the child understands that the most important thing for parents is not his career, but his well-being.

How to cope with a five-year crisis in children
How to cope with a five-year crisis in children

The crisis of five years is a serious test for the nerves of adults. Do not give in to pity and strive to establish peace in the house by force. Only calmness and friendliness will help maintain a positive attitude even with the most unpredictable behavior of the child.
