After three years of life, the child begins to go through a transition period. This is the time of growing up from infancy to primary school age. The child's character and habits change, unmotivated tantrums begin. Parents can only be advised to enter this age of the child already prepared.

What confuses the parents of three-year-olds the most? Constant tantrums from scratch. But it only seems to adults that the child has no reasons for bad behavior, but in fact there are many of them. At this age, any unpleasant situation is elevated by a child into a grotesque. Overworked? Tears. Didn't buy a toy? Tantrum with felting on the floor. Hungry? Again hysterics with incomprehensible demands.
What parents can do in such situations. Calm yourself down first, even if your little one is crying on the sidewalk of a busy street. Do not react to such whims in any way. Just calmly ask him to get up and move on. You will see, in a couple of minutes he will get up as if nothing had happened and calmly follow you. Train your inner calmness. For a child, the most important thing is your reaction. If it is not there, then there is no reason for hysteria.
By the age of three, the child should already clearly understand the meaning of the words "no", "no", "dangerous." Moreover, all family members and everyone who has contact with the child (nanny, grandmother) should adhere to this line. You can't sit on the windowsill, period. No, sweet for the night is not allowed. Gradually, such prohibitions will be taken for granted and will not cause confusion. But all prohibitions must be justified.
Monitor your emotions. Our children are mirror images of ourselves. If parents themselves fall into aggression, shout, swear, beat, then one should not be surprised that children adopt this demeanor. If you feel that you can no longer control yourself, just move away from the child, close in another room. And there you can cry, scream, hit your pillow with your fists. And you need to go out to the children already completely calmed down. And only if the child's fault was serious, talk to him about his behavior, but without unnecessary emotions.
The crisis of three years can be clearly expressed even in those situations when a child goes to the garden for the first time, he has a younger brother or sister, his mother goes to work, and a nanny appears. This is all a huge stress for the child. At three years old, the baby's psyche is not yet ready for such changes, but he is already recognized as big. Yes, someone like him, according to the parents, can already spend several hours a day in the company of unfamiliar children, play on his own, and even help around the house. Do not force things, let the child be a child.