Crisis 3 Years In Children

Crisis 3 Years In Children
Crisis 3 Years In Children

The time frame for the crisis is not clearly defined; it ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 years. A crisis is a natural phenomenon in the psychological development of a child.

Crisis 3 years in children
Crisis 3 years in children

There are seven signs of a crisis:

Negativism is a negative reaction to the suggestions of adults, in other words, to do the opposite of what he was asked to do.

Stubbornness - the child follows the first decision to get something and cannot refuse it, even if it is replaced.

Self-will - the emergence of the phrase - myself! The kid tries his hand, asserts himself, actively learns the world. Although his initiative is often inadequate.


Obstinacy - is oriented against the lifestyle that has developed in the family up to three years old.

Rebellion protest - dissatisfaction and negative emotions, the main instrument of the child at this stage of growing up.

Devaluation - what was previously of value was interesting is now being devalued. A child can start calling names, breaking toys that are dear to him and doing similar things.

Despotism - the child shows power over others, in order to achieve the desired result, uses various techniques. The kid forces others to do everything that he demanded.

The reaction of adults to a child's behavior in this crisis is very important. There are a number of common tips, the application of which over time leads to overcoming negative traits in the behavior of a child:

  • Application of the game in teaching a child to be independent.
  • Avoiding a totalitarian style in education.
  • Refusal of overprotection.
  • Parents need to adhere to one parenting strategy.
  • General search for conciliatory solutions in conflicts where the child has the right to choose.
  • The rules of conduct should be presented in a routine manner and followed by gentle enforcement.
  • Teaching the child the skills of communication with peers and adults.
  • The emphasis in education should be on a positive attitude, and not on prohibitions and punishment.

The crisis of three years is not at all a manifestation of disobedience or unfavorable heredity, but a stage in the development of a child, without which the development of personality is unrealistic. Respect your child and teach it to others. And only parents by their actions and attitude can help a child to quickly and easily outgrow the crisis of three years.
