What Phrases Should Be Said To Children So That They Grow Up Good

What Phrases Should Be Said To Children So That They Grow Up Good
What Phrases Should Be Said To Children So That They Grow Up Good

Responsible and loving parents try to educate their children with worthy people and generally developed personalities. And many understand, because not only what needs to be done with the children is very important, but also what they need to say.

What phrases should be said to children so that they grow up good
What phrases should be said to children so that they grow up good

Moms and dads read the necessary literature, watch programs that tell new and effective methods of education. There are a few basic rules to follow. It is necessary to choose phrases and expressions with which the parents are trying to educate the child. You need to understand that everything that parents say remains in the mind of the child. Praise and encouragement will help your toddler grow self-confident.

What needs to be said

When parents say: “You are great! You did a great job! - the child wants to continue and complete the work he has begun.

If the parents are trying to reassure the child in failures: “Don't worry! Everyone makes mistakes, and that's okay. Next time you will definitely succeed! - the child learns to accept defeat and draw the right conclusions from his mistakes.

You need to talk to the child about his talents as often as possible, praise the drawings and crafts, ask him to do something else, then the baby will not be afraid to try something new, knowing that he is doing a lot.

You should definitely tell your baby: “Sit down next to me and tell me how your day was” - then mutual understanding and trust will never leave the relationship between parent and child. He will learn to share his thoughts and experiences, ask for advice.

When parents say, “Baby, I'm sorry. I was wrong”- the child knows that the truth is not on the side of authority and even adults are not ashamed to admit mistakes, on the contrary, it is a sign of strength.

A character formed in an atmosphere of parental approval and support will be the foundation for a successful future life. It will be easy for such people to study and work, they are not subject to long worries and depression.

Unwanted phrases

If a child is constantly criticized and said that he is a failure, he will never be confident in himself and in his actions. If parents want to teach their son or daughter something, it is better to discuss the actions, and not the baby himself.

You can't scold a child in front of others, so he feels humiliated. All educational moments should be carried out one-on-one, with the eyes on the same level with the eyes of the child.

You should never say to a child: "I'm tired of you!" - for a parent it is momentary fatigue or anger, and the child takes such words literally and very deeply.

All fears and insecurities of people begin in childhood. Likewise, self-confidence and a positive attitude towards the world are laid in childhood. It depends only on the parents what kind of worldview they give their child.
