Throughout the history of mankind, the older generation lamented the younger as uncontrollable, disobedient, unteachable. Moreover, the younger generation that has grown up made similar claims to their children and so on until today.

Step 1
Perhaps the modern teacher has a harder time than all his colleagues from past years and centuries. The teacher has always been smarter than the student both in knowledge and in life experience. This created a natural subordination and easily fit into the "teacher-student" scheme. This led to the deliberately respectful attitude of the student to the teacher as to a smarter person.
Step 2
At some point, everything changed in society. The reason was the natural movement of society, when the information society came to replace the industrial society. Society has changed, but educational technology is at least two decades behind it. As a result, there has been a shift in the educational space that can be considered revolutionary. The modern student knows more than the teacher, which is very reluctant, but the teaching community has to admit it.
Step 3
A modern student has mastered computer and information technologies without exaggeration, from the cradle. Educational technologies, on the other hand, have been without innovation for a long time. As a result, the student could observe how the teacher teaching algebra was unable to send an SMS message on the mobile phone. The teacher, of course, has a much larger amount of knowledge of his subject, but from the student's point of view, this knowledge is useless. The student's knowledge allows him to solve many practical problems, including educational ones, according to his own algorithm.
Step 4
At the same time, the modern student has much greater freedom - the democratization of society has not spared education either. Although the modern student depends on the teacher's assessments, he sees that the status and material position of a person in society does not depend on his success in school. Moreover, the modern knowledge control system using testing negates the real significance of assessments. Such an attitude of the student to learning stimulates the teacher to make the lesson interesting, since there is no other mechanism for motivation, especially in high school.
Step 5
Today, the school is attended by children of children of the end of the last century, the so-called "lost generation", which had to become like individuals in an era of change. At a minimum, they passed on to their children their own vision of a world that lacks traditional ideals and symbols. The main character trait of the average student today is rationalism. A modern child will not go to collect scrap metal if he does not see a practical need for it. The teacher is faced with the difficult task of fostering nobility and responsibility, which is very difficult in the absence of real role models.
Step 6
Thus, we can conclude that a modern teacher works with a student who stimulates him to improve. It is not in vain that in modern educational standards, both the teacher and the student have an equal status of "subject of the educational process."