Cruelty, envy, hatred of people towards each other are those negative manifestations that give rise to quarrels, conflicts, violence, wars. The struggle between good and evil is relevant at all times of the existence of mankind on Earth. To start a serious battle with cruelty, you should, first of all, with yourself, looking at your own thoughts, words and deeds.

Step 1
Analyze your worldview, your position in life regarding kindness in all its manifestations. Answer your questions honestly: Are you a kind person? How is your kindness shown? Are you not doing evil? Are other people suffering because of you? Summarize your introspection by charting specific paths to achieve your goal.
Step 2
Before criticizing someone, consider whether it is fair and constructive. Perhaps you are driven by feelings such as revenge, envy, anger? Try to root out such negative emotions in yourself. Remember that there are no perfect people on Earth, and you are also unlikely to be one of them. This means that everyone has the right to make mistakes and shortcomings. Also, refrain from judging, criticizing, and discussing other people's vices. Remember one of the biblical commandments: "Do not judge, so you will not be judged"?
Step 3
Set an example of kind-hearted behavior in practice, it will be especially valuable for the younger generation. Often, parents and grandparents, without noticing it, teach their own children and grandchildren the first lessons of hard-heartedness. Getting rid of a pet, scolding someone with the last words, indifferently walking past a person lying on the ground are familiar situations, isn't it? The saddest thing is that often all this happens in front of a child, from whom then grows up the same ruthless and selfish adult as his "educators".
Step 4
If the manifestation of hard-heartedness occurs before your eyes, try to stop it at all costs. These can be a wide variety of situations, from a child bullying a stray cat to beating a person by a group of bandits. In the first case, stop the child, protect the poor animal, try to evoke a new feeling of pity in the young man by conversation. In the second case, call the police, call for help, do something without showing indifference where someone's life may depend on your participation.
Step 5
Participate in charity, without necessarily helping financially. Do you remember the phrase from the old Soviet film "Big Sister": "A kind word is pleasant to the cat"? Sincerely share with people your kindness, your positive emotions, positive outlook, and very soon the world will begin to respond to you in kind!
Step 6
Read good wise books and instill love for them in your children and grandchildren, do not choose yourself and do not recommend others to watch brutal action movies with a lot of violence. Make sure that your younger generation is not addicted to violent computer shooters. Only by sowing reasonable, kind, eternal, one can hope for wonderful shoots of kindness and love.