What To Do If The Husband Has Stopped Arousing

What To Do If The Husband Has Stopped Arousing
What To Do If The Husband Has Stopped Arousing

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After a long relationship, many couples experience a decrease in arousal when having sex when one partner stops arousing the other. Most often, a woman suffers from this, it is she who does not feel arousal and does not enjoy sex.

What to do if the husband has stopped arousing
What to do if the husband has stopped arousing


Step 1

The process of arousal is quite individual for each woman. For some of them it is very easy to relax and start enjoying petting or sex, and some feel constrained even in front of a familiar man and need certain caresses. A girl may not receive arousal from a partner when her boyfriend does not take into account the characteristics of her body and does something that does not excite her at all. Not all erogenous zones in women are equally sensitive. If you know what exactly can turn you on, and what, on the contrary, will alienate the young man from you, you do not need to wait for the partner to figure it out himself. Tell him about all your fantasies, do not be ashamed of a young man. So your body will respond better to all caresses and excitement will surely come.

Step 2

Addiction is a common cause of partners' lack of arousal. When a husband and wife have been married for many years, it becomes harder and harder for them to turn on each other. After all, all the poses and characteristics of the partner have been studied, and they themselves become older, spontaneity, passion disappear from the relationship, sex begins to be perceived as a duty, a duty, something ordinary. Be sure to talk about this with your partner, explain to him that such a situation in a relationship is absolutely normal. Be sure to reassure your husband that you still love him, but you would like to bring something new to your sex life. Most likely, the husband wants this too, only he will be ashamed to tell his wife about it.

Step 3

When you come to a consensus on this score, you need to completely change the whole scenario of lovemaking at least for a while. Do not use the usual techniques, change the order of the caresses. Some couples change clothes, use unusual sex environments, learn new positions and try them to get more excitement and passion.

Step 4

Many during this period begin to actively get involved in role-playing games, transform into new characters. After all, when a person changes his face, costume and behavior, he seems to be reincarnated into a new person. This new person can afford what the real person hesitates to afford. Thus, role-playing games solve many problems at once: they give a partner to get closer to some other person, while not cheating on a husband or wife, they embody sexual fantasies, give birth to new emotions and feelings. Ultimately, sex games bring a vivid variety and unusual sensations into the usual course of family life.

Step 5

Some couples practice during this period, not changing images, but places for solitude. If the usual bedroom is tired, it no longer carries a tinge of romance and sensuality, you can radically change the setting for the weekend or on vacation: rent a room in a hotel or in a country house, have a party in a club or create a romantic atmosphere. Use the means that you like best: someone reacts to smells, someone to music, and someone is aroused by their partner's clothes. Create ideal conditions, realize in reality those plans that have been accumulating in you for years, but which could never be fulfilled due to lack of time or money.
