In order to find out in the early stages of your pregnancy, use special tests. They are affordable, convenient, and true enough. Buy tests from pharmacies and be sure to check expiration dates to reduce the likelihood of a false result.

- - pregnancy test;
- - a portion of urine.
Step 1
There are several types of pregnancy tests: strip test, inkjet test, tablet test, and electronic test. A test plate is a test strip in a special plastic plate that comes with a urine pipette. When testing, the jet does not require an additional container for the liquid; when checking it, it is simply substituted under the jet. When using an electronic test, instead of strips, you will see an indication of the presence or absence of pregnancy.
Step 2
The most popular is the test strip. It is a strip coated with a chemical that reacts to gonadotropin. Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that appears in the female body in the early days of pregnancy and increases concentration over time. The higher the concentration, the more accurate the test result.
Step 3
Test in the early days of a delayed menstrual cycle, preferably in the morning. It is imperative immediately after urination for the result to be more reliable. Dip the test into liquid and hold as directed. Evaluate the result in one to two minutes: two strips indicate pregnancy, one - about its absence. If the stripes are not visible at all, then the test is not suitable for use.
Step 4
If it is not possible to conduct a test in the morning, do it at any other time of the day, but keep in mind that the concentration of gonadotropin in the body will be much lower. Avoid using the toilet for four to five hours before your procedure.
Step 5
Despite the fact that the accuracy of modern pregnancy tests reaches 95 - 98%, a false positive result is possible (in the presence of certain diseases) and a false negative (if the concentration of the necessary hormone is not high enough). If you are unsure of the result, repeat the test after a few days.