Genetic compatibility of spouses is carried out by geneticists. If the DNA analysis of a husband and wife reveals a partial genetic incompatibility, there is no need to be upset. Modern medicine has a number of methods to get pregnant and bear a fetus even under such conditions.

Step 1
The genetic compatibility of male and female organisms is based on special proteins called HLA antigens. The abbreviation HLA stands for "human leucocyte antigens" - human leukocyte antigens. HLA are special proteins of blood cells designed to protect the human body from foreign bacteria and viruses.
Step 2
Each person has their own set of antigens. Ideally, the male body should have its own set of HLA antigens, and the female body should have its own. They don't have to overlap. Then the child will receive part of the antigens from the father, and part from the mother. In this case, the mother's body will be able to trigger an immunological response to maintain pregnancy.
Step 3
If the parents' antigens match, the mother's body will perceive the fetus as its own cells and will not trigger an immunological reaction. Because of this, the baby will not be protected from the maternal immune system, which can lead to miscarriages and problems with bearing the fetus. Genetic incompatibility can be the reason for the inability to get pregnant.
Step 4
There is an HLA typing procedure to check for genetic compatibility. It is carried out by geneticists. During this procedure, blood is drawn from the veins of both spouses. DNA is isolated from blood samples using special reagents and its genetic analysis is carried out. Typically, the HLA typing procedure takes no more than two weeks. If, when comparing the DNA of spouses, their similarity in two or more leukocyte antigens is revealed, they speak of partial genetic incompatibility, which can lead to miscarriage or miscarriage.
Step 5
Complete genetic incompatibility is rare. As a rule, married couples can face partial incompatibility. Such a diagnosis is not a sentence. There are various methods that allow it to be regulated with the help of special procedures and medications. Medicine made it possible to successfully carry a fetus with incomplete genetic incompatibility decades ago. A piece of skin was taken from the father and implanted in his pregnant wife. As a result, the maternal immune system attacked this piece of skin, not the baby's body. In addition, there are drugs that can suppress maternal immunity and weaken the effect of antibodies on the developing fetus. Modern medicine has also developed drugs that help the female body to recognize the paternal chromosomes and not reject them.