Colpitis During Pregnancy: Does It Affect The Fetus?

Colpitis During Pregnancy: Does It Affect The Fetus?
Colpitis During Pregnancy: Does It Affect The Fetus?

The inflammatory process in the genital area is in itself not a very pleasant phenomenon. If this happens during pregnancy, it can also become potentially dangerous. How does colpitis affect the fetus and is it possible not to treat it before childbirth?

Colpitis during pregnancy: does it affect the fetus?
Colpitis during pregnancy: does it affect the fetus?

What is colpitis

Colpitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Symptoms such as itching, irritation, mucus production and severe pain are quite unpleasant things, but during pregnancy, their appearance can be an additional challenge. The causes of colpitis can be a variety of infections of the genital tract, including condidosis, gonorrhea, vaginal herpes, vaginitis, as well as diseases caused by protozoa.

The effect of colpitis on the fetus

The unpleasant sensations that a woman experiences during the inflammatory process in the vaginal area, of course, should not be tolerated. There is no doubt that colpitis must be treated, and the sooner the treatment is carried out, the better. Another thing is that drugs, which usually suppress genital tract infection, are contraindicated in pregnant women, since they can threaten the normal development of the fetus. Do not think, however, that with colpitis, you can reach the end of pregnancy. The fact is that an infection, even if it is not in the uterus, can have a negative effect on the unborn child.

Actually, colpitis itself really goes far from the place of fetal development, however, it is not the disease itself that is dangerous for pregnancy, but its indirect consequences. For example, a vaginal infection can go up and infect the amniotic fluid. As a result, the mother will receive unpleasant consequences in the form of a complicated pregnancy with the risk of premature birth or miscarriage. Other risks of complications of colpitis are fetal growth retardation, polyhydramnios, infection of the placenta and, as a result, fetal hypoxia, as well as undeveloped pregnancy. There is a high risk of infection of the fetus during childbirth while passing through the genital tract. Agree, the picture is pretty grim.

Colpitis treatment in pregnant women

Do not despair and panic! Even during pregnancy, colpitis is necessary and, most importantly, can be cured. In no case should you self-medicate, at the first signs of inflammation of the mucous membrane, immediately consult a doctor. Expect the treatment to take a little longer. Yes - the usual treatment regimen will not work here, however, a qualified specialist will be able to choose a treatment method for you that will be effective and will not harm the unborn child.
