What Does Low Placenta Mean During Pregnancy?

What Does Low Placenta Mean During Pregnancy?
What Does Low Placenta Mean During Pregnancy?

A pregnant woman with a low placenta may not be aware of her diagnosis at all for quite some time. Exactly until one fine day he encounters more or less severe bleeding. If at the same time she is not provided with medical assistance, the case may well end in the loss of the child.

What does low placenta mean during pregnancy?
What does low placenta mean during pregnancy?

Some statistics

The placenta, whose task is to supply the unborn child with all the necessary substances, can be located both on the back and on the front wall of the uterus, and both of these options are considered a manifestation of the norm. Unless in the second case, the expectant mother will begin to feel the movements of her baby a little later. But sometimes it happens that attachment occurs in the lower part of the growing uterus and then the situation becomes potentially dangerous. According to statistics, such an anomaly of placenta attachment occurs in 3-6 out of 1000 pregnant women.

There are 4 forms of placenta previa. She can lie low, but at the same time:

1. Do not touch the internal os of the cervix at all.

2. Lightly touch the throat with the bottom edge.

3. Partially overlap the throat.

4. Close your throat completely.

In the first two cases, with careful management of childbirth, delivery is possible in a natural way, in the last two cases, only a cesarean section can help the baby to be born.

Establishing a diagnosis

The gynecologist can determine the threat of a possible low placenta previa at the very beginning of pregnancy by ultrasound. On the screen, he will see the entire uterine cavity and the place where the egg is attached. But even if this place is not very high, you should not panic. The situation may well still change. And only if the presentation continues to be determined after the 19th week of pregnancy, the diagnosis will be finally made.

A growing child, by stretching the walls of the uterus, may well push the placenta to move upward.


But sometimes placenta previa remains unnoticed until the pregnant woman starts bleeding, a feature of which is its absolute painlessness. Even if the amount of blood is calculated in a few drops, it is still necessary to immediately consult a doctor for help so that he can establish the cause of this phenomenon.

Smoking is considered one of the reasons that can provoke placenta previa.

Low placenta treatment

There is no single treatment regimen for placenta previa. It all depends on the presence and intensity of bleeding, the degree of presentation and the duration of pregnancy. If the diagnosis was made before 19 weeks and is not accompanied by bleeding, the woman will simply be recommended a more gentle lifestyle, including avoiding heavy lifting and avoiding stress. In extreme cases, bed rest can be prescribed. Heavy bleeding in the second half of pregnancy is usually a symptom of the onset of placental abruption, provoked by a low presentation, and may become an indication for the end of pregnancy. Fortunately, by this time, the fetus is often already quite viable and can be born by caesarean section.
