The soul of another person is always dark, no matter how close he is. You never know exactly what's on his mind. Loves - does not love, respects - despises, there is another - there is no other. How nice it would be to be able to read other people's thoughts! But not everyone is endowed with this ability. We have to come up with other loopholes.

Step 1
Start with the simplest. For even in such complex matters as other people's thoughts and intentions, there is always a well-known and sweet option - just to ask. Make a cute face, press your cheek against him when he thinks and ask the question: "Dear, what are you thinking about?", Especially focusing on the vowel "U" in the last word. If a person truly loves you, such a sweet curiosity of a loved one will not irritate him. But if you need to find out what he is thinking, then you probably doubt his feelings …
Step 2
Try to follow his facial expressions. Often, facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice give out much more than words themselves. Of course, in order to draw any conclusions, just looking at your beloved person, you need to be a subtle psychologist, or better - a certified psychologist. But it is quite within your power to look at materials on this topic on the Internet, read books. Pay special attention to the words "non-verbal behavior" and "facial / body language". Such manuals will help you not only better understand your loved one, but also other people, which, you see, is also important.
Step 3
Try watching him sleep as well. Often the movements that we make in a dream, the words that we say, again, facial expressions betray our secret desires. Please note: if the sweetheart is irritable and rude to you, and dreams are pleasant (judging by the blissful smile), then the time has come to take care of the fate of your relationship. After all, if in a dream he sees another girl instead of you, or you, but in a slightly different image, then, upon waking up, he thinks about the same, even if he tries to somehow consciously direct his thoughts in a different direction.
Step 4
Try - just carefully - ask his friends about what he thinks about this or that matter. Maybe, without revealing himself to you for any reason, he willingly talks about these topics with his best friends. It will be especially good if you have one good friend with him who treats you and him with equal trust, and who is worried about the fate of your relationship. Such a friend can help you not only find out about the thoughts of your young man, but in general, in principle, understand him better.
Step 5
And finally: before you read other people's thoughts and crawl into someone else's soul, it is better to follow yourself and your thoughts. Maybe they just don't match the mood of your boyfriend. Then it is better to ask him what he wants, and not what he is thinking. In the end, both he and you will still have to change someday in order to maintain the relationship. It is better to do this earlier, and then your thoughts will coincide, and coincide for a long time.