How To Raise A Smart And Purposeful Child

How To Raise A Smart And Purposeful Child
How To Raise A Smart And Purposeful Child

Raising an intelligent child is the dream of every parent. After all, the desire for self-development will become a fertile basis for the formation of a person who is successful and useful to society. And not only teachers and psychologists should take responsibility for this … Let's get acquainted with the advice of the master of the intellectual game “What? Where? When? Maxim Potasheva on how to raise an intelligent child.

How to Raise a Smart and Purposeful Child
How to Raise a Smart and Purposeful Child

This is the very first and most important rule. It is common for some parents, even before the birth of a baby, to think through which school and with what bias he will study, which circle to attend, what kind of sport to do. This approach will only limit your child, form a notorious and weak-willed personality. Is this what you dream about? It would be more correct to give the child a choice. He himself must decide on the type of scientific and sports activity. Of course, this will take him time. But the child must go through the path of trial and error. Parents can only direct, not take away the right to choose.

What does it mean? Often parents literally "breathe" over their child when he is doing homework or doing something. At the same time, they constantly comment, pull back, believe that they help, but hinder … what do you think, what will you get in the end? A depressed and indecisive child who is unlikely to respect you without a murmur. But you can do otherwise, this will give a much greater and positive result. Become an example of independence for your little one. Offer him help. And in case of refusal, do not insist and do not control.

Each time has its own characteristics in terms of the pace of cognitive activity. And to receive useful information from books and from teachers - you must admit that it is somehow not enough in the digital age. Do not bother your child if he “stuck” on the Internet on some issue. Even if it does not concern study. The very process of finding the necessary knowledge is very important for the development of a child. On the contrary, encourage children's interest. For example, you can buy an e-book, or "reader", or find interesting information about the world yourself and share it with your child.

One more piece of advice from Maxim Potashev. Children will always find workarounds for prohibitions. Moreover, such restrictions will ruin your trusting relationship with your baby. It is more correct, again, to take on the role of a "guide" and try to captivate the child in a more useful, in your opinion, side. For example, if he is captured by computer games, do not shout, do not stamp your feet or forbid. Suggest a better game that will develop it.

No matter how you force or read the lectures, the child will go his own way. There is no need to edifyingly control his hobbies, criticize. The task of each parent, according to Maxim Potashev, is not to teach, but to teach to learn. It is necessary to interest, motivate, captivate. Better yet, be a worthy example for a child.

Also, do not forget that your baby must be comprehensively developed. Therefore, focusing only on intellectual activity is a mistake. Sport and art are an integral part of proper education. Team sports competitions, creative competitions also train the mind. All this is a great opportunity to guide the child to success and creativity.
