Any parent dreams that his child would be the smartest, most gifted and most intelligent. Nevertheless, for some parents, children surprise with their thinking abilities, while for others they do not shine with them. How to educate a child in order to stimulate his mental activity and develop his thinking? It is not so difficult if you know the rules for communicating with the baby, and if you know what motivates him for mental development.

Step 1
Treat children as equals. Children always feel when their parents are dismissive of them - do not consider your children stupid and dull. Believe in the child - he should feel that his intelligence is not questioned by the parents.
Step 2
In many ways, children show themselves to be more sincere and intelligent than adults. Try to learn from them. Children learn by example - if they see that an adult is also learning something, they will learn in return.
Step 3
Do not try to specifically teach the child something - listen to his own needs and ideas, and if you see that the child is learning something new, just support him, help him to become aware of new experiences and new information.
Step 4
An important element in the upbringing and education of a child is his readiness and desire to learn. Your task is precisely to awaken this desire. Maintain your child's curiosity and interest in any things - help him explore the world and learn what he wants to learn himself.
Step 5
Help the children do things that are interesting to them - do not force children to do things that you think will be useful for them, but in which they do not show any interest. It is useless to force the child to do any thing - this can only harm him. A child can only learn something on their own, with your help and support.
Step 6
Do not use violent parenting methods, do not force the child to study what he does not like. You can arouse the child's interest in something, but not forcibly, but with the help of fantasy, artistry and parental love, as well as your own example. The child must watch you and want to do the same as you.
Step 7
Don't interfere with your child's development. Do not decide for him what is best for him - the child himself intuitively feels which things are useful for him and which are harmful. You can only channel this knowledge in the right direction.
Step 8
Help your child develop as an independent strong personality - for this you do not need to do everything for the child and make decisions for him. It is enough to maintain his activity and encourage it. Always consider the choice of children - from simple cases when a child chooses a toy or color of clothing, to the choice of a place of study and profession in the future.
Step 9
In raising and educating a child, do not dwell on one thing. Try to develop your child in many ways, make him a versatile person. Show your child great perspectives around him.
Step 10
Do not allow highly specialized upbringing of the child. Together with your child, come up with such educational games and activities that will contribute to the maximum versatile development of the baby. The more diverse the interests of the child, the more harmonious and intelligent he will be in the future, and his education will touch on both the intellectual and sensual spheres.
Step 11
Praise the child, encourage him and love him - this will always motivate him to acquire new knowledge and develop.