Purposefulness is a social skill that is nurtured in a person. This quality allows you to better realize yourself in the world, helps to achieve great results. And parents should help their baby learn this. There are several ways to master this skill.

Correct age
The child takes an example from his parents. He does not always listen to their words, but copies their behavior. Set an example, and if you set a goal for yourself, then achieve it. The kid will understand that what is conceived can be done, it is only important to make an effort. Involve the child in the implementation of your plans, explain to him what you are doing and what purpose you are pursuing, what will happen after the execution.
You need to develop the ability to achieve goals at the age of 6-7 years. At this time, at school, a person has certain responsibilities that need to be performed. The ability to achieve results will help you learn without problems. And it is important to realize that after 12 years it is very difficult to give the skill of striving for something specific, the formation in adulthood requires a lot of effort. Don't miss the moment.
How to formulate goals
Achieving a goal begins with the right formulation. There is a big difference between desire and purpose: I want to study with an A, or I will finish the next quarter without a single A. The meaning is one nested, but it sounds different. And the first does not imply any specific actions and terms. It is important to understand the time frame for implementation, as well as the tasks that need to be completed to realize this intention.
It is important to teach your child to choose tasks and goals that are real. For example, a flight to Mars is not a real goal today. And there are activities that are beyond the power of a kid, for example, going to college at the age of 10. If the child constantly thinks about the unattainable, he will never get results, and this leads to disappointment. It is important to learn to get the result, to enjoy it, and not just dream. Of course, it is not necessary to deprive him of all desires, but the unreal should be given less space.
How to achieve what you want
A child cannot do one thing for a long time, he becomes bored. Therefore, the achievement should always be divided into stages. Doing everything at once can be tricky, but partial action will be less of a problem. Together, create a plan in which you enter the division into parts. In this case, it is necessary to give the skills of setting priorities: think about what needs to be done first and what can be postponed. As you embody the parts, note what has been done.
Make plans for the day with your baby. Make a list for tomorrow every night. Introduce different things into it that do not even require effort, but will be completed. This will give him confidence that anything can be done. Enter brushing your teeth, going to school, taking a walk. And add what the kid does not like too much, but to complete the execution, he will do it. Cross out the case when it is completed. For the implementation of the entire plan, come up with a reward, it can be symbolic, but it will help form the right habits.