Each baby has unique abilities, both genetically and naturally. It is up to parents to identify and develop them. The sooner you understand what the child is addicted to, the more chances he will grow up to be successful and do what he loves.

Step 1
Most often, children are happy to demonstrate their abilities themselves. If the child is withdrawn and unsociable, does not show interest in dancing, singing, or drawing, it is worth contacting a psychologist who will help to liberate him and see his tendencies for this or that occupation.
Step 2
If you want to reveal the child's abilities, you should not force the child to realize your dreams if he does not like and cannot afford them. Even if you did not have time to realize yourself in any creative direction in childhood, it doesn’t matter. There are many courses and clubs for adults. You must distance yourself from your own desires and carefully observe the child. And being forced to do something can only scare the baby away.
Step 3
Don't be afraid to overwhelm your child. The more different types of activities, the better. Offer your child to try themselves in theatrical performances, sports, painting and music. Go to trial classes in various circles, talk with teachers and trainers, ask them to evaluate with your child's trained eye. Those hobbies that the child will not like will be eliminated over time. The main thing is to constantly be interested in whether the baby has a desire to continue classes. It is necessary to encourage interest and initiative, but in no case punish for unwillingness to attend the circle.
Step 4
If we talk about rewards, then it is necessary to constantly praise the child. This greatly inspires him to further develop his abilities and skills. Praise sincerely and wholeheartedly. Even if, in a creative impulse, he painted a picture on the wallpaper, got dirty or tore his sneakers while kicking the ball, do not scold him. His paintings will be far from ideal, and his poems will consist of two non-rhymed lines. You should not expect from a little man without special skills any extra achievements from the first day of class. After all, your task is not to raise the child prodigy to envy other parents, thereby depriving him of his childhood, but to identify and gradually develop his abilities.
Step 5
The right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for creative activity, begins to develop earlier and more actively than the logical left. Thus, you should not try to raise a great mathematician from the cradle, but you still need to do a little counting. It is better to develop creativity and strengthen the connection between the cerebral hemispheres of the child, invite him to do the usual things (eat, brush his teeth, draw) with the other hand. Thus, when the time comes to develop the logical abilities of the baby, everything will be given to him faster and easier.