In life, unforeseen situations can occur. When a lot changes for the worse, it is important to be able to adapt to different circumstances, not give up and mobilize your internal resources. Then you will be able to get through hard times.

Step 1
It takes fortitude to get through a difficult time. If you start to despair and complain about your fate, it will only be harder for you. Pull yourself together, think about what moral advantages you have that will help you overcome life obstacles. Analyze the situation and summarize to understand what resources you have at your disposal. You need to make sure you have enough reasons to deal with the unfavorable circumstances.
Step 2
Do not over-dramatize the situation. Perhaps, against the background of a big trouble, you see a lot in black. Be objective and don't exaggerate. On the contrary, you need to learn to notice something good, kind, warm, light in the world around you. Try to focus on the positive in your free time from problem solving.
Step 3
Show persistence and perseverance. If you are unable to immediately resolve a question, try to approach the solution of the problem from the other side. Don't give up quickly. Try to change your life for the better. Sometimes, to overcome the circumstances, just one attempt is not enough. So don't give it up. Your mistake may be that you despaired early.
Step 4
Find someone to support you. This could be someone close to you, a family member, or a good friend. The main thing you need now is compassion. It will be great if your support group is made up of optimistic, cheerful people. With such an environment, you can be calm about your morale.
Step 5
Plunge into some activity. This will distract you from your unhappy thoughts. Get involved in building your career, plan home renovations, improve your summer cottage, devote more time to your hobby, master a new skill. You can study a foreign language, take cooking classes, go to a fitness club. Do not give in to despondency and lie limply on the couch. Get distracted.
Step 6
Don't hold negative emotions to yourself. Don't let negative emotions build up and fill you up. The outlet for feelings can be found in physical activity, creativity, dancing, cleaning, some kind of mechanical action. Find a way to calm your nerves. Pay attention to yoga and breathing exercises, auto-training. Sometimes it's worth reading motivational literature. Authors of books on self-knowledge will not only support you, but also offer effective methods for managing your inner state.