The midlife crisis is hitting almost all men in their forties. However, it can start several years earlier or later. You can find out that your man suffers from this particular ailment for some signs and symptoms.

Step 1
If a man is in his forties and suddenly begins to suffer from sudden mood swings, becomes irritable, hot-tempered and emotional, most likely he is having a midlife crisis. The first symptom of this ailment is desperate dissatisfaction with oneself and one's own career. Even if a representative of the stronger sex occupies a high position, has a stable and rather large income, he still believes that this is not enough. It seems to him that colleagues at work do not respect and appreciate him, and his career could have been more successful. Feelings of dissatisfaction with oneself are constantly flaring up because of the comparison of self and other men who are richer and more successful.
Step 2
Also, during a midlife crisis, a man sometimes begins to think about the fact that his personal life has failed. It seems to him that his wife does not like him, the children do not show due respect, do not care about their lives and devote little time to their father. He looks at the children and wives of his friends and realizes that they are much better than his own.
Step 3
In addition, during this period, representatives of the stronger sex become extremely concerned about their state of health. They themselves make themselves sick, feel sick and tired. They are worried about various diseases, which in fact they do not have. At this time, it may seem to them that their wives are not taking good care of them and have become insufficiently attentive to their soulmates.
Step 4
How a man will go through a midlife crisis depends only on the characteristics of his character. Some representatives of the stronger sex become withdrawn or more aggressive and hot-tempered, others are in a state of depression. Stronger people, on the contrary, try to gather their will into a fist and selflessly try to improve their position in society, build a career, and restore peace in the family. Weaker people may even quit their jobs, start to abuse alcohol, gamble and have a young mistress in order to have time to taste all the delights of life, which, as they think, will soon come to an end.
Step 5
The midlife crisis in men becomes a test not only for themselves, but also for their other halves. The spouse during this period should be more attentive and caring. She is obliged to remind her lover that he is an independent, successful and adult person, to provide moral support and always be there.