Many beautiful, successful women cannot find a life partner and suffer greatly from this. Men believe that it is possible to improve their personal life if they find the cause of female loneliness and work on mistakes in a timely manner.

Despite the self-sufficiency and independence of modern women, everyone dreams of happiness in their personal life. Those who did not manage to find their soul mate most often make the same mistakes. Men identify 7 main reasons for female loneliness.
Low self-esteem
A common cause of failure in personal life is self-loathing. Women with low self-esteem believe that they are not beautiful, smart, or economical enough. This perception of one's own image is formed under the influence of improper upbringing, failures in past relationships and other factors. Failure to appreciate yourself makes it difficult to be happy. A woman becomes insecure, tries to please her partner in everything, or even deliberately shies away from a relationship, believing that nothing good will come of it. This behavior scares off normal men and attracts those who like to play on their partner's weaknesses. As a result, it ends with a breakup and self-esteem drops even lower. To establish a personal life, a woman should understand that no one can love her until she loves herself.

Unwillingness to take care of yourself
A woman does not have to be perfect in order to please a man and avoid loneliness. At the same time, it is very important to be able to take care of yourself. Carelessness and untidiness cause a feeling of rejection. A woman who does not care what she is wearing, how she is combed, can be perceived by the opposite sex accordingly. Men who meet on her life path decide that such a lady does not need a relationship at this stage, so they do not even try to get closer.
Depression tendency
A tendency to depression prevents a woman from establishing her personal life. No one wants to be around someone who is constantly in a bad mood. To be happy, you need to take responsibility for your life. Only then will there be a change for the better, because happiness can be built with your own hands.
Often, depressed women exhibit victim behavior by relying on pity. This approach is doomed to failure, since men want to see a positive, wise and self-sufficient companion next to them, who will support and inspire them, and not complain and reproach.
Excessive requirements
Excessive requirements for men are usually found in very young girls or in self-confident persons prone to narcissism. High self-esteem is very good, but sometimes it is necessary to adequately assess the situation. You need to understand that there are no ideal people and you will have to put up with some of your partner's shortcomings. Sometimes the ideal is formed in childhood and a woman is looking for just such an image all her life, refusing to meet with real men. This inevitably leads to loneliness.
Aggressive or arrogant behavior
Aggression and arrogance turn men off. More often, the reasons for this behavior are resentment at a failed life, at former partners who caused mental pain. Meeting another man, such women are unable to forget the past and change something. They perceive a new acquaintance with hostility. This is a kind of defensive reaction. So a person, on a subconscious level, tries to protect himself from suffering. In order not to be left alone, a woman should become softer, understand the mistakes of the past and abstract from them. A man needs to be given a chance so that he can show himself from all sides, and not hang labels on him.
The habit of rushing things
Many women are very active in relationships with the opposite sex. They are assertive and prefer to rush things. Meeting another man, such ladies start making plans and behave accordingly. Many girls, after several dates, begin to talk about living together or even getting married, which is very repulsive. Men like to make decisions on their own, achieve, think over everything.

Workaholism or reclusive lifestyle
Often women cannot build a family because they devote a lot of time to work and their favorite hobby. Seclusion, unwillingness to communicate also does not contribute to the acquisition of personal happiness. If a woman does not go anywhere, does not meet with friends, and at work does not even look around, the chances of meeting a decent man are greatly reduced.