The scorpio man never opens up to the end and is perfectly able to control himself. He, as a rule, is very sophisticated in life, and in order to attract his attention to himself, the scorpion man must be surprised.

Step 1
The scorpio man cannot stand routine. He needs constant activity. For him, continuous struggle is important. To surprise and captivate the scorpion man, keep him on a leash as much as possible. Play with him in a kind of version of the game "cat and mouse". Demonstrate that complete indifference to him, then show genuine interest and sincere enthusiasm. This will surprise and intrigue him. Remember - a scorpio man is not interested in easy victories, he has long been fed up with them. Become the one for which you need to hunt, seduce and entice into your networks.
Step 2
The scorpio man is a dual nature: intellect and emotions, reason and passion coexist in him. He is philosophical and interested in the mysteries of life. Present him a volume of Aristotle with gold embossing, a globe of the starry sky with constellations or an original clock with a graceful pendulum - he will be surprised and intrigued. The Scorpio man likes luxury, and beautiful and unusual things appeal to his aesthetic taste.
Step 3
Find and read rare esoteric literature, learn to read the runes or make astrological predictions. The scorpio man is usually mystical. He will be surprised by the similarity of interests, and he will see a like-minded person in you.
Step 4
Try to intrigue him with your behavior. The scorpio man loves to solve mysteries and find out the truth. But do not reveal all your secrets at once, but just hint at them a little. This will interest him even more.
Step 5
Get to know the area of interest of the scorpion male and become a bit of an expert in those areas. The Scorpio man loves to debate, and your erudition will surprise him, especially if you have your own opinion on a controversial issue. Do not forget, at the end of the discussion, to agree with his arguments, without losing your dignity.
Step 6
Become original, show your uniqueness and originality. A scorpio man will pay attention only to the most worthy of the worthy.