How You Can't Hold A Child

How You Can't Hold A Child
How You Can't Hold A Child

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A child who has just been born does not immediately adapt to a new world for him. Just a few days ago, he was absolutely protected from all external influences. Nature has prudently endowed him with structural features that allow him to move more or less freely from an enclosed space into the big world. For life outside the mother's womb, these features are not very convenient, but the baby does not part with them immediately. Therefore, you need to take it carefully, observing some rules.

How you can't hold a child
How you can't hold a child


Step 1

The baby of the first month of life cannot yet hold his head. His neck and shoulder muscles are weak. Therefore, do not allow your head to dangle or topple over. Otherwise, the child could be seriously injured. If you need to take the baby out of the crib, where he is lying on his back, place one hand under his head, grabbing the neck and shoulders. Move the other hand under the ass, and so that the lower back is on your palm. Lift the baby gently. Your movements should be calm and fluid, but at the same time confident. It is impossible to jerk the newborn sharply.

Step 2

Many young dads are looking forward to the moment when it will be possible to throw up the baby, circle him, holding hands, etc. With this, you will have to wait until the child gets a little stronger. Do not take a newborn by the handles. His joints are still not strong enough, you can inadvertently dislocate an elbow or even a shoulder. Throwing is also not recommended until the neck muscles are sufficiently strong. By the way, by the time the child learns to hold his head, he will already be able to enjoy the fact that he is pushed and thrown.

Step 3

If you need to hold your baby face down (for example, while washing under the tap), place him in your arm. The head should be at the bend of your left elbow (or right if you are left-handed). Use your other hand to wash your baby.

Step 4

Some babies like to be carried face down. In this case, the head, in the same way as when washing, lies on the bend of the elbow of the right or left hand. Your baby's belly and breast are on your forearm. Use the hand to hold the baby by the back, closer to the lower back. Pass your other hand between the legs and hold the newborn by the tummy.

Step 5

In the early days, try to avoid holding your baby upright. But sometimes it is necessary. In this case, support your head, back and shoulders with one hand, and your butt and lower back with the other. Don't squeeze your chest. Keep the baby facing you or with the back of your head, but never sideways. Refrain from placing the baby on your forearm with the torso turned to the side. The bones of a newborn are still soft, and if the body is constantly put in the wrong position, they can bend.
