The wedding unites not only bodies, but also holds souls together. Such a marriage is considered to be eternal and cannot be dissolved. And even an ordinary divorce does not deprive people of the status of husband and wife before God. It is very difficult to decide on the conclusion of such an alliance, but this does not always guarantee an excellent relationship.

In Christianity, it is customary to apply for a blessing to the church, and the stamp in the passport is not enough to live together. But among people there was a tradition to turn to the priest not at once. It is believed that it is the wedding that helps to preserve the relationship if there are any misunderstandings and disagreements, so people go to church when there are problems in the family. Some couples decide to take this step in order to find a common language.
God help
A wedding can help believers. During the solemn ceremony, the couple seems to ask the Almighty for support, and if at the same time they believe in help, then it happens. But this does not work for everyone, since the power of faith matters. The future spouses first make a decision, weigh all the positive and negative sides, because you can't take it superficially. By their decision, they declare to their loved ones, to the priest and higher powers that they are ready to endure all the difficulties, that they were not mistaken in their choice.
The wedding imposes a great responsibility. And the understanding that such an alliance cannot be terminated helps people to adapt, to seek compromises. People realize that after this procedure it is no longer possible to just slam the door and leave, that now the marriage will be saved until old age, which means it is easier to look for a solution, and not run away from problems. This position makes life easier, deprived of choice spouses try to be happy.
A wedding for unbelievers
If young people do not believe in God, then for them the wedding is just a beautiful ceremony. They pass it with pleasure, but do not attach much importance. For them, it does not carry a global meaning, which means that it is not at all difficult to break this vow. The lack of special attitude does not allow us to talk about the reliability of such ties.
Even if only one spouse insists on the wedding, and the other does not believe in this help, it is unlikely that the ceremony will help maintain the relationship or make it better. Especially you should not take such a step at the beginning of family life, because after a while a lot can happen, the "rose-colored glasses" will disappear, and everyday life will make its own adjustments.
Miraculous cases
There are hundreds of stories that tell that it was after the wedding that couples began to live better. There is a story that after this event, children appeared in the church in a couple who suffered from infertility. And these conversations are true, but the point is precisely in faith, in a sincere attitude towards the church and God. Before deciding on this step, think, and you are confident in your union, can you guarantee that in 20 years nothing will change?
It is not possible to hold a wedding and registration at the registry office at the same time. Some couples only go to church after they have lived together for at least 10 years. They first check their union to make sure they are not mistaken, and only then declare their choice. This is a mature, balanced decision that makes a marriage really more reliable.