Crises happen in every family, no matter how ideal it is. If it so happens that the relationship is going through a difficult period, do not panic. Vanity and nervousness cannot fix the situation. We'll have to do a deep analysis and revision of the relationship.

If a universal way of solving this problem was found, then people would not get divorced at all. But life is not easy. The reason for the breakdown of a family can be many different factors that are woven into one ball and accumulate over time. Then some insignificant reason is enough for a rupture to occur. If there is a threat of divorce, you need to adhere to a certain plan of action.
Talk openly
Obscurity, surveillance, jealousy, insults, etc. - all this only aggravates the family discord. You need to gather your courage and try to talk frankly with your spouse. It will be painful, but it will help to relieve the soul after a while.
Do not hold back by force
Don't try to save your family at any cost. If one of the spouses has made a firm decision to leave, then it is better not to hold him back. This can provoke the emergence of additional conflict situations and strong grievances.
Give each other time
Crises occur in every family, since both spouses are personalities that change at certain stages of life. If there are certain difficulties and omissions, then maybe you should not indulge in panic, but wait a little.
Breaking up a relationship is always very painful, especially if it has been long-term. Each case is unique, understand the situation and decide what to do on your own.