Adolescence is a difficult period when a child changes not only externally, but also psychologically. He learns and tries to be an adult, and it is important for parents to understand this moment in time, and to agree with the fact that they themselves must change together with the teenager.

Create an atmosphere of acceptance and support
The teenager should feel support from the family, it is important that he understands that he is loved in the family and accepted for who he is, with all his problems and mistakes. It is this conviction that will help to avoid the complete alienation of the teenager from his parents when he withdraws into himself, or begins to look for a solution to his problems in drugs, alcohol, or falls under the negative influence of the company.
Unite with your child against his difficulties, try to understand his interests, take time to communicate with the teenager. He should see you as understanding older friends, and not bystanders or enemies.
The trait of adolescence is doubt, a reassessment of values. In order not to lose contact with a teenager, the most important thing is to create an atmosphere of trust, to show that you can be trusted and you can be not only a strict parent, but also an understanding older friend who is ready to share his experience, suggest a solution to a problem, and most importantly, knows how to keep secrets.
It is important that the teenager is in a hurry to share his innermost experiences with you. The child should not be afraid to make a mistake or tell you the truth, whatever it may be.
So you can save him from possible mistakes in time by suggesting the right advice. In no case should you ridicule innermost experiences, or, for example, scold a teenager for "school love". You cannot discuss what the teenager has told you with other relatives or acquaintances - it is important to value and respect the trust in you.
The teenager tries on the role of an adult. It is important to support him in this, demonstrating respect, including for his opinion, which is more and more “his own”.
Always try to evaluate your child positively, even if it seems to you that he is incompetent in something. The remarks should not sound like accusations. Do not criticize or ridicule his interests, which may seem incomprehensible to you - passion for rock music, clothing style, etc.
By showing that you respect his point of view, encourage and teach the teenager to take responsibility and make independent decisions. Only by respecting a teenager can you instill in him respect for elders.
Define rules and priorities
All of the above does not mean "complete abolition of restrictions." A teenager must understand not only rights, but also responsibilities, as in "adult" life. Discuss with him the rules of conduct, the circle of household responsibilities, he must clearly understand the priorities and rules of conduct. At the same time, try to follow the established rules yourself. After all, in the end, even actively denying this, the teenager continues to copy and reproduce the example of his parents in many ways.