When it comes time for a child to go to kindergarten, parents most often face some problems. It is a mistake to think that the beginning of going to kindergarten is a process that should proceed without any roughness and without much parental involvement. During the period of adaptation to new conditions in kindergarten, the child needs help and support from parents more than ever.

To begin with, you need to make sure that the child has the right degree of self-care skills. This will greatly facilitate the child's life in kindergarten. And vice versa, the inability to do something of the obligatory things will greatly complicate the life of the baby and can completely discourage him from going to kindergarten. And even if some skill does not seem very necessary to the parent for the child, it is worth paying attention to him if the child is worried about this.
It is possible that a simple inability to cut a square with scissors does not give the child the opportunity to join other children during the game or when they are just doing the same cutting out of the squares. Then the parents need to support the child and, armed with tenderness and patience, teach the child to cut not only squares, but also circles and triangles.
This approach will allow the child not only to find common points of interaction with other children, but also to become a cheerleader in some way. But this is very important - at least once to feel like the leader of a children's company. This is very important for the formation of an adequate self-esteem of the child and the ability to communicate with other children.
In general, the ability to communicate and interact in a team is one of the important functions of a kindergarten. Therefore, before starting a visit to the kindergarten, you can start taking a child to playgrounds with a large number of children, if this has not been done before. If the child is shy, then parents can help him integrate into the team by themselves starting a game with other children. For a child, participation in such a game will be much easier, because it was organized by mom or dad. It is worth choosing a game that is well known to the child so that he knows the rules of the game.
If the parents do not distance themselves from the process of the child's getting used to the kindergarten, but, on the contrary, help him in every possible way, then this process will be as easy and pleasant for the child as possible. And perhaps it is in this kindergarten that the child will find friends for the rest of his life. Well, or at least learn to be friends.