The Adaptation Period Of Children In Kindergarten

The Adaptation Period Of Children In Kindergarten
The Adaptation Period Of Children In Kindergarten

The first trip to kindergarten for a kid is his first experience of communication in a team. The first days, and possibly months, are a real test and test, not only for kids, but also for relatives.

The adaptation period of children in kindergarten
The adaptation period of children in kindergarten

As practice shows, not all children accept the new environment. Many babies react with tears to new strangers with whom they need to spend time. Parting with their mother is a strong emotional blow for them. Therefore, the older the child is, the faster he can adapt and adapt. The best and most addictive age for admission to kindergarten is 2.5-3 years.

Do not leave the baby for the first time, the days of adaptation for a long time. For the first day, 2 hours is enough. The adaptation period occurs for everyone in different ways, sometimes 1-2 weeks are enough, and some need several months.


It is difficult for a kid to readjust to a new regime and get used to new requirements. Parents should find out in advance the mode of the kindergarten to which they want to send their baby, and follow the daily routine. Firstly, the child should be potty trained; there is no place for diapers in kindergartens. It is also necessary to properly organize the child's night sleep, a sharp awakening in the morning leads only to whims and irritability. It is much better when the baby wakes up by itself. It is possible to wake up the baby 10 minutes earlier, let him have the opportunity to soak up the bed. The child should be able to dress himself, and behave with dignity both at the table and in the game moments. The kid must use the cutlery himself.

As little emotional stress as possible. During the period of adaptation to the garden, the baby experiences experiences throughout the day. Therefore, the furnishings of the house should be ordinary, and all innovations should be minimal. Even with the most painful child's addiction to the garden, parents very often make the mistake of starting to punish and blame the child for tantrums and tears. All that is required of parents is patience.

After giving the child to the garden, mothers begin to devote less time to the kids. It is not right. A young mother should not show such behavior to her child, as he will feel that he has ceased to be loved. When going home from kindergarten, you need to communicate with the child, ask how he spent his time and what was fun. When the child begins to talk with pleasure about everything that happens in the garden, it means that he has already got used to it.

The main rule during the adaptation period is the care and love of relatives.
