School-age children need proper and balanced nutrition, because in addition to the active growth of the body, they are daily exposed to mental and physical stress. With the help of a well-formulated diet, you can help a student to improve health, improve attention and develop memory.

Step 1
A balanced diet of a schoolchild means the presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the menu in the correct proportion. It is necessary to pay attention to the protein component, since protein is needed for the growth of the body. The diet should contain dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Step 2
Give your child carbohydrate-rich foods for breakfast. For example, cereal cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat). To add variety, alternate cereals with protein foods and dairy products. Pancakes with cottage cheese, pancakes, cheesecakes or an omelet with vegetables will do.
Step 3
Serve tea (black or green, you can add milk), cocoa or compote from berries and fruits as a drink for breakfast. The main task of the morning meal is to provide the young student with enough energy for classes, but not to create a feeling of heaviness and oversaturation.
Step 4
The second, more hearty, breakfast is usually received by the student at school. If there is a choice in the dining room, discuss with your child in advance what is best. One of the best options is a meat cutlet with a side dish (pasta, buckwheat) and a salad of fresh vegetables.
Step 5
If there is no food available at school, provide your child with a small snack food set. This may include fruit, biscuits, hard cheese sandwiches, and water. It is better to pack food in special food containers.
Step 6
Lunch is the time for a full meal. Try to get your child to have the first, second, and third courses. As a first course, a great option is soup or broth (meat or vegetable). Soups are important for a growing body, as they contain salts and extractives for the proper functioning of the stomach.
Step 7
The second course of lunch can be fish or meat with any side dish and vegetables. Leave the dessert to be chosen by the student himself.
Step 8
Prepare an afternoon snack (small snack) for your child between lunch and dinner. This can be yogurt, sandwiches, fruit, or milk biscuits.
Step 9
Serve a light meal for dinner. Good options are: scrambled eggs, cottage cheese with fruits, chicken or fish with stewed vegetables.
Step 10
Try to eliminate or minimize your child's consumption of convenience foods, fast food, and sodas.