The birth of a child is one of the most significant events in the life of a family. The first smile, the first tooth and the first words are all ahead. But the baby needs protection, and not only of the parents: up to one year old, the mother and the baby must come to an appointment with the district pediatrician every month. The doctor monitors the physical condition of the child and, if even a slight suspicion of a developmental deviation appears, gives a referral for consultation to a specialized specialist. However, the registration procedure at the children's clinic begins even before the birth of the child.

Step 1
You should get to know your local pediatrician during pregnancy. The gynecologist with whom you are registered will ask you to bring a certificate stating that you were in the children's clinic and registered. This certificate will be given to you by a pediatrician from a children's clinic when you are already at a long gestation period, as a rule, at 7-8 months.
Step 2
After the baby is born, a telegram will be sent from the maternity hospital to the children's clinic at the place of your actual residence. Therefore, it is very important when entering the hospital to name the place of your actual residence, because for many it does not coincide with the place of registration. 3-5 days after your discharge, the district pediatrician will come to your house to examine the baby, he will also tell you the date of your first visit to the children's clinic and the office hours. In the future, during the first month, once a week, a district nurse will come to your house to monitor the development of the child and the conditions of care.
Step 3
The first visit to the children's clinic will take place when your baby is one month old. At the appointment with the pediatrician, you will have to bring the birth certificate and the child's exchange card - these documents must be issued to you upon discharge from the hospital. You will also be asked for a child's birth certificate and medical certificate. From now on, if the development is on schedule, you will have to come to the child's preventive examination every month.
Step 4
If due to circumstances you have to change your place of residence, you must notify the local pediatrician about this. He will give you a child's card with a corresponding dropout mark, an absentee coupon, and, if the baby is not yet six months old, the second part of the coupon, a birth certificate. All these documents, along with the birth certificate and medical policy of the child, you will have to provide to the district pediatrician in the children's clinic in which you plan to register, you will also be asked to write a statement addressed to the chief doctor about your intention to be served in this clinic.