For the time being, female power is dormant and waiting in the wings. And this hour for every girl comes in due time. It is then that a woman begins to think about how to make a man understand that he is wanted. And experiments begin with their own image and manner of behavior.

Step 1
If you are hanging out with a man you like, then sit closer to him. This will definitely excite him, and also make it clear that you are not indifferent to him. Find a position that is comfortable for you so that he can clearly see your legs. Show him your knees. You can easily take off your shoe and play with it with your toes. This undeniably turns on men.
Step 2
Play with your hair. It's a plus for you if your hair is loose. You can wrap them around your finger, smooth them, fold them back with your hand. It's no secret that men always put a special emphasis on a woman's hair.
Step 3
Pay attention to Golden Rule # 3, it also works well. Pretend in front of a man, for example, straighten your hair, or tuck it behind your ears or just run your hands over it. This will kill two birds with one stone, not only attracting his attention to yourself, but also making yourself seductive.
Step 4
With experience, women began to understand that they can seduce a man when they twist the chain around their neck in their fingers, touch the earrings, thereby drawing attention to the hollow on the chest and neck. Also, a pair of thin bracelets on the bare arm, a belt that emphasizes the waist - all this very much excites men's imagination.
Step 5
And finally, letting the man know that you want him, do not forget to smile at him. Hold your gaze for a couple of seconds, looking directly into his eyes, then you can smoothly lower your gaze to his lips, chin, neck. Show that you are very interested in him and that you would like to get to know him much better. However, don't talk a lot about yourself. You are a woman, and you should have your own flavor. Become a mystery to the man.