For Young Mothers: Dill Water For Newborns From Dill Seeds

For Young Mothers: Dill Water For Newborns From Dill Seeds
For Young Mothers: Dill Water For Newborns From Dill Seeds

Approximately 80% of newborns suffer from severe gas formation during the first few months of their life. Gas in a tiny stomach makes babies uncomfortable and often causes hard, sleepless nights for young parents. Parents are ready to do anything to help the child get rid of the pain. In any pharmacy, you can now find all kinds of drugs for colic, but dill water is rightfully considered the most effective and safe remedy.

For young mothers: dill water for newborns from dill seeds
For young mothers: dill water for newborns from dill seeds

Dill water belongs to very effective folk remedies designed to improve the digestion process. This drug is endowed with a huge number of properties useful for the human body. For newborns, dill water can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home with your own hands. The process of manufacturing the product must take place under conditions of exceptional sterility; it is prepared from the seeds of pharmaceutical dill.

This drug has a pronounced carminative effect on the baby's body, it relieves spasms from the muscles of the child's intestines, thereby relieving the crumbs of accumulated gases. It happens that after taking a dill preparation, the release of gases is accompanied by rather loud sounds, after which the baby immediately calms down and falls asleep.

For the production of pharmacy dill water for infants, mix 0.05 g of dill essential oil with a liter of water and shake well. The finished mixture is stored for thirty days.

However, while dill water is readily available at the pharmacy, most parents choose to make their own at home. Some pediatricians do not approve of this method of treatment, since it is almost impossible to create sterile conditions at home, which are very important for the baby. But, nevertheless, homemade dill water is an effective remedy proven by more than one generation for a long time.

Making homemade dill water for babies will require a tablespoon of dill seeds, a liter of boiling water, and a thermos. Dill seed can be purchased at every pharmacy. Before preparing the medicine, you need to pour boiling water over all the dishes used. Then dill seeds should be poured into a thermos, pour boiling water over and insist for an hour. After that, the finished product should be filtered. The dill water is ready.

Infants should be given a teaspoon of dill water three times a day. This dosage is equally suitable for a pharmacy preparation and for a homemade product.

In addition, it is known that food products that make up the main diet of his mother have a very large impact on the well-being of a newborn baby.

During the period of breastfeeding, women need to follow a special diet that warns against the use of certain foods.

However, the body of each baby is individual, which is why different children react in their own way to the same foods that their mother eats. Some even tolerate generally accepted allergens absolutely calmly, while others experience tummy pains from seemingly simple foods. It is possible to alleviate the suffering of a baby if the same dill water is used not only for him, but also for his mother. A woman needs to drink half a glass of the drug three times a day half an hour before feeding the baby.

Parents need to remember that the child's digestive system is still imperfect, it easily lends itself to various infections, therefore, when preparing dill water for babies and not only it, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of your hands and the sterility of the dishes used.
